A study of the Top 25 in 2009 甘榜格南 C.C. 个人赛 .........
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2009-09-28 14:21

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A study of the Top 25 in 2009 甘榜格南 C.C. 个人赛 .........

with grade = 乙级

14 points -- 1 player without grade

13 points -- 1 player with grade

12 points -- 3 players, 1 with grade and 2 without grade

11 points -- 8 players, 3 with grade and 5 without grade

10 points -- 5 players, 3 with grade and 2 without grade

9 points -- 7 players, 1 with grade and 6 without grade

in total :

9 points and above -- 25 players, 9 (36%) with grade (B) and 16 (64%) without grade

8 points and below -- 43 players including 6 did not turn up, 2 with grade and 41 without grade

For the Top 8 -- 3 (37.5%) with grade (B) and 5 (62.5%) without grade.

Last but not least, heard that 甘榜格南 C.C. 个人赛 may consider to open it to all 乙级 and 无级 in future, could we classify it as B+组 as compared to A组 and B组. :)

reproduced from the above post : --

in actual fact 2009 甘榜格南 C.C. 个人赛 will be having many good 乙级 and 无级 players on 6 and 13 Sep 2009 ……


possible ranking for positions 9 to 25 .......


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