I feel that you are not having good intention, same for a few other ids.
--fallacy: confirmation bias: 为什么你认为你的感觉就一定准确呢?太主观了点吧?同理,我觉得你也不怀好意的在论坛上诽谤他人,造谣中伤,搬弄是非,这样的说法您接受么?
If you and a few others really like to see positive development in Singapore Xiangqi, please try to be more positive in your postings.
--fallacy: 1. doubtful cause 2. slippery slop 3.agrumentum ad baculum: 我的所谓的‘负面‘的跟贴没有对新加坡象棋事业造成直接负面影响, 所以假设不成立。奉劝您不要动不动就拿‘影响新加坡象棋事业发展’的大帽子乱扣,没说服力又无聊。不是每个人都像您那样对大事有一定‘影响力’的