所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2003-08-15 20:31  评分:

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Dear all

1. AGM will be held next Friday, 22 Aug at MPSH4, 6-8pm
2. NUS Open will be tentatively held on the following week, 29th and 30th Aug (Friday and Saturday)
3. IVP team selection will be held after NUS Open. We will be selecting a first team of 9 players and a second team of 4 reserve players. All 13 players will be awarded ECA points. More details will be given after the AGM.
4. IVP is likely to be held starting on Sep 22.

Jingwen and Chaoxian

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想加入国大中国象棋俱乐部的棋友看过来! 张辽   (483 bytes , 944reads )
好的。谢谢.只是不知道NUS Open 会在那里举行 朽木可雕   (0 bytes , 311reads )
mpsh4 张辽   (0 bytes , 348reads )
:) 朽木可雕   (0 bytes , 244reads )