that sounds cool...i'll give it another shot
所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2007-05-25 11:19

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各位用什么作图软件配latex? xfig? metapost? hash   (0 bytes , 1230reads )
PStricks Package bull   (40 bytes , 485reads )
wow... there's very rich plotting function in pstrick hash   (83 bytes , 427reads )
ipe icky   (39 bytes , 385reads )
里面的latex文字比较有限制吧 Bird   (0 bytes , 309reads )
? icky   (37 bytes , 286reads )
有个dd叫 oletex hula   (155 bytes , 391reads )
i guess he means math formulas embedded in graph hash   (0 bytes , 285reads )
it's same as latex icky   (35 bytes , 329reads )
yes, but user-defined commands (such as those in a package you included) Bird   (26 bytes , 330reads )
can, can icky   (67 bytes , 281reads )
that sounds cool...i'll give it another shot Bird   (0 bytes , 282reads )
it's at icky   (45 bytes , 316reads )
有时候也用xfig,但是不用visio icky   (0 bytes , 415reads )
visio->pdf->eps 吴永铮   (0 bytes , 367reads )
效果怎么样?我直接从viso->eps的图片效果很差 graduating   (0 bytes , 393reads )
ditto simon   (0 bytes , 258reads )
xfig 似乎够用了 Bird   (228 bytes , 420reads )
说说我关于图片最不爽的事 Bird   (497 bytes , 352reads )
试试Lyx? hash   (122 bytes , 402reads )
Lyx好像解决了latex不够直观,影响思考的问题 Bird   (227 bytes , 559reads )
其实latex的本意是让作者脱离视觉,排版的束缚, 吴永铮   (358 bytes , 486reads )
你说的是所见即所得吗? icky   (0 bytes , 355reads )
Bird   (0 bytes , 288reads )
所见即所得的很多 icky   (16 bytes , 315reads )
you can choose document class in lyx hash   (214 bytes , 346reads )
can choose any document class at all? Bird   (0 bytes , 276reads )