所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2007-05-23 01:40  评分:

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SoC的course textbook:
CS2261 Learn to program enterprise java bean By Danny C.C. Poo 2006.
CS1231 Discrete Mathematics with Applications Second Edition, Susanna S. Epp.
Internetworking with TCP/IP Principles, Protocols and Architectures, 4th Edtion,
Douglas E. Comer.
Developing Distributed and E-commerce Applications, 2nd Edition, Darrel Ince,2004.

EC2373/SSA2220 Global Dimensions of the Singapore Economy's reading materials.
Psychology Intro module text book.

要搬家了,这些书留着没用扔了又可惜。全部都很新,谁想要的可以sms 97493529。我现在还住pgp,拜六就搬了。拜五就扔书了。

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