you will not be alone tonight, wahahahaha~
所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2005-12-19 16:33

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 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
汇报一下 奕丫   (5992 bytes , 1377reads )
hehe~ 奕丫   (82 bytes , 303reads )
同为女生,some gentle reminder Dianalin   (215 bytes , 605reads )
过度阶段很容易胖的,因为活动太少 水鸭子   (12 bytes , 318reads )
你终于出现了哈 鱼片粥   (15 bytes , 294reads )
家里的网络刚刚开通就上来了 水鸭子   (20 bytes , 242reads )
寒,回来读自己的帖子,有点批评别人生活习惯和强加自己观点的感觉 Dianalin   (72 bytes , 491reads )
thank you~i'll drink milk tomorrow. 奕丫   (0 bytes , 319reads )
你要觉得我说的有道理才行啊,不要轻易改变 Dianalin   (43 bytes , 289reads )
yes, i think 你说的有道理 奕丫   (34 bytes , 253reads )
^_^ Dianalin   (0 bytes , 262reads )
同学,你这篇帖子可以拿去发表了。 materialist   (218 bytes , 427reads )
其实 ntu还比nus自由啦 :D moderndog   (0 bytes , 285reads )
Hall 12~~today some of my friends sent me to my hall from hall 4. 奕丫   (0 bytes , 303reads )
because I can't find the way ... 奕丫   (0 bytes , 303reads )
NTUis big... 海风   (28 bytes , 280reads )
另外: 奕丫   (760 bytes , 371reads )
汇率应该是0.206,不可能是0.26 海风   (0 bytes , 256reads )
是是是,我讲错了 奕丫   (0 bytes , 262reads )
电话卡很便宜,打国内10块钱480多分钟 materialist   (88 bytes , 344reads )
from here call china.. 印象派   (60 bytes , 358reads )
yes,YY推荐了 this card:classic 奕丫   (0 bytes , 262reads )
一定要顶这个帖子阿! 鱼片粥   (16 bytes , 305reads )
今天没有晚点,3点45分飞机起飞了 noah   (0 bytes , 266reads )
you will not be alone tonight, wahahahaha~ 鱼片粥   (0 bytes , 300reads )
本来想去接机呢,这边的学长说接机名单都已经报给MOE了。看来只能在hall 下面等了。 奕丫   (250 bytes , 365reads )
sigh~~it is a great loss for NUS that you were taken to NTU.... 鱼片粥   (2 bytes , 357reads )
扼腕呀 海风   (105 bytes , 273reads )
then 印象派   (36 bytes , 317reads )
学长,或学姐,太给我面子了吧。脸红了。。。。。。 奕丫   (0 bytes , 286reads )
是学长. :) 鱼片粥   (11 bytes , 261reads )
Oh~~hehe.还是英文好,一个sinior就解决了。 奕丫   (0 bytes , 273reads )
senior :P 鱼片粥   (0 bytes , 282reads )
Oh, poor English 奕丫   (0 bytes , 273reads )
好贴!!! 大路不平   (0 bytes , 240reads )