1. 小相册一本,大约50页。
2. Getting Started Microsoft Windows 98, Second Edition. Very good condition.
3. CS5237 notes – CS5237 没有课本,notes是很重要的。我不舍得扔。
1. Database Management Systems, Second Edition, Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke
Very good condition. Textbook of CS2102 and CS2102s at School of Computing, NUS. - $6
2. Operating System Concepts, Fifth Edition, Silberschats Galvin.
Very good condition. CS2106 Textbook at School of Computing, NUS - $10
3. Java Software Solutions, Foundations of Program Design, Second Edition, John Lewis and William Loftus
Very good condition. Textbook of CS1101 at School of Computing, NUS - $8
4. Speech and Language Processing, Daniel Jurafsky & James H. Martin..
Excellent condition. CS4248 Textbook at School of Computing, NUS - $25
5. Pet Sematary. By Stephen King.
Fairly good condition. #1 Nationwide Bestseller. - $1
6. The Entrepreneurial Connection, East meets west in the Silicon Valley. 24 of the World’s Best Entrepreneurs Share Their Strategies for Success.
Brand New. Supplementary Reading for MS&E271 course at Stanford University. - $20