请教::NUS CS level4的课有什么适合大三下学期拿的阿?
所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2004-12-03 10:10  评分:

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I'll have 2 level3 CS modules and one physics... wondering now what else can I take...

thnks 先!

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became friends by choice
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请教::NUS CS level4的课有什么适合大三下学期拿的阿? 零星   (98 bytes , 1036reads )
CS4231, by Prof Tay icky   (46 bytes , 413reads )
基本上我怕课太难,和level3的差别太大,我适应不来 零星   (51 bytes , 248reads )
这门课可能有点难 icky   (0 bytes , 298reads )
Have you taken cs3243? 江南渔夫   (200 bytes , 370reads )
嗯嗯,拿过3243,还在您老人家的tut.. hehe 零星   (115 bytes , 262reads )
then I recommend cs4244:P 江南渔夫   (0 bytes , 274reads )
黄叔叔教 十三   (73 bytes , 271reads )
I am not that old lah... 江南渔夫   (0 bytes , 232reads )
4247是TEH HUNG CHUAN教了 panther   (15 bytes , 383reads )
should be more boring then... 江南渔夫   (19 bytes , 258reads )