judging from what i've seen
所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2003-08-17 08:03  评分:

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i'm not sure what is emphasized in Engin English modules. However, I think first of all it is about communication skills, including writing and speaking according to the occasions. i guess you may have paid too much attention to vocabulary and too particular about grammar details.You tend to use difficult words and complex sentence structure, which actually sounds strange too others for these are not commonly expressed in that way. I think you grammar should be ok, and vocabulary is more than enough to pass the module, judging from the sentence structure and words here. If I were you, I may forget about enlarging much my vocabulary, but just do more general readings, not those very scientific ones or classic ones (old English ) but popular ones (not those very non standard ones, of course). And try to ask others , especially non-PRC students to correct your writings----I don’t mean PRC students are not good at English, but personally I think we PRC in most cases will tend to pay more attention to grammar and formal writing, which is not what you need now. And try to ask your tutors, classmates , friends and YOURSELF what is the major problem with your English so that you cannot pass, and. Find out the resolution.
Good Luck

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