only 74 family of IC + 555 is provided in that ass
所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2003-02-15 13:20

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But mind telling us more about fc51? Is it a logic array?

all EE ppl learn programmable logic array, but no first hand experience at all. could you share with us?

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怎么都是SoC的?问一个电子设计问题,EE高手请进! 堕落の天使   (227 bytes , 548reads )
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only 74 family of IC + 555 is provided in that ass hash   (172 bytes , 207reads )
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很晚了,没怎么检查,不知道有错没:$ EastCoast   (0 bytes , 233reads )
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yes. 爬去洗个澡   (245 bytes , 182reads )
。。。D1让用OSILLOSCOPE咩? 堕落の天使   (0 bytes , 199reads )
怎么不让用?旁边就有,拿来用就是了 爬去洗个澡   (0 bytes , 169reads )