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Pubmed里面的一篇paper 《关于棉条使用和处女膜孔大小的临床研究结果

paper link在此:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=8021768


Hymenal findings in adolescent women: impact of tampon use and consensual sexual activity.



We undertook a prospective study of 300 postmenarcheal female subjects (median age, 18.0 years) to examine (1) the relation of tampon use, sports participation, prior gynecologic examination, and consensual sexual activity to hymenal anatomy, (2) the factors leading to choice of tampons by girls not sexually active, and (3) factors related to ease of gynecologic examination. The sample included 100 subjects in group 1, who denied sexual intercourse and used only pads for menses; 100 subjects in group 2, who denied sexual intercourse and had used tampons; and 100 subjects in group 3, who gave a history of sexual intercourse. Sexually active subjects (81%) were significantly more likely than tampon users and pad users to have "complete clefts" in the lower hymen between the 2 o'clock and 10 o'clock positions (p < 0.001); tampon users were not significantly different from pad users (11% vs 5%). In subjects who were not sexually active, the presence of these complete clefts was not related to participation in sports or to prior pelvic examination. Although median hymenal opening diameter differed in the three groups (1.2 cm for group 1 vs 1.5 cm for group 2 vs 2.5 cm for group 3; p < 0.0001), the ranges of measurements were wide. Tampon users were significantly more likely than pad users to have mothers and friends, but not sisters, who had a favorable attitude toward tampon use. The best predictors of tampon use in a multivariate model were a favorable maternal attitude (odds ratio (OR), 5.3; 95% confidence interval (CI), 2.4, 12.1) and friends' use of tampons (OR 7.9; 95% CI 3.5, 18.1). Only 26% of speculum examinations in pad users were rated as easy compared with 56% of examinations in tampon users and 81% in sexually active young women (p < 0.001). The best predictors of ease of speculum examination were sexual activity (OR 15.9; 95% CI 1.9, 135.3) and tampon use (OR 3.6; 95% CI 1.0, 12.7). This large sample should provide useful data for physicians who testify in sexual assault cases and gives new information on the predictors of tampon use and ease of gynecologic examination in young women.



1)100 用卫生巾,处女
2)100 用棉条,处女
3)100 性交过的



平均处女膜孔尺寸 (p<0.0001。说明三组之间的区别绝基本绝对没有机率是偶然的):

1组: 1.2cm
2组: 1.5cm
3组: 2.5cm





 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
大尺度转科普贴——棉条,做一名自由的女性……rrdw这玩艺儿不适合处女吧?…… 八萬   (12908 bytes , 3584reads )
汗……原来我用错size了 水鸭子   (91 bytes , 183reads )
应该和型号无关,应该和插入的方式有关。。。。 […] trueif   (83 bytes , 128reads )
真是有研究…… 水鸭子   (195 bytes , 147reads )
我是复读机~ trueif   (26 bytes , 132reads )
粽觉得会导致液体囤积在体内怪怪的,还是测漏出来给海绵宝宝 功夫熊猫   (11 bytes , 128reads )
其实不然,海绵造成血液与空气接触,细菌得以生存,这正是棉条/卫生棉造成TSS的原因 空中楼阁   (92 bytes , 227reads )
目测他没有女朋友…… trueif   (0 bytes , 109reads )
那你觉得JY囤积在里面也怪怪的? trueif   (0 bytes , 126reads )
给大家科普一个棉条的进阶-月亮杯 menstrual cup(不适合处和不能接受棉条的mm) 空中楼阁   (1081 bytes , 908reads )
贴个ladycup的图 空中楼阁   (69 bytes , 347reads )
rrdw, 这个取出来的时候,会不会哗啦一杯子血,如果不小心的话... […] ada_ada   (67 bytes , 182reads )
是的,这是这个杯子缺点之一,但是用久了就会熟练。。。网上用过的人说的。 空中楼阁   (155 bytes , 172reads )
omg,家里还得另备一锅。 789456   (36 bytes , 184reads )
煮一下是有点麻烦,但是。。。总比洗脏床单强。我用了这么多年卫生巾真是麻烦不少 空中楼阁   (151 bytes , 147reads )
试试Laurier乐而雅35cm的吧。。。 bonbons   (0 bytes , 109reads )
垫快毛巾不就行了。 789456   (0 bytes , 144reads )
实在不行还有隔尿垫可以上。。。瓦咔咔 凡人   (360 bytes , 115reads )
神吐槽。。。 trueif   (0 bytes , 102reads )
如果在公厕拿到外面洗太太太。。。 789456   (0 bytes , 110reads )
恩,一般是在cubical里面用卫生纸擦过才拿出去洗的。 空中楼阁   (0 bytes , 102reads )
在家没问题,出门的话最好2个轮换不然挺麻烦的。 789456   (54 bytes , 125reads )
利尿好啊,嘘嘘没不影响的。我就每天喝很多水。 空中楼阁   (0 bytes , 107reads )
没看懂,嘘嘘不用拿出来? 789456   (0 bytes , 101reads )
对啊,主贴有说的。见FAQ No.9 空中楼阁   (0 bytes , 121reads )
倒。。。那个大碗是放在NK里的? 嗷嗷吃饭睡觉   (0 bytes , 117reads )
恩。 789456   (0 bytes , 125reads )
手手手,碰巧穿白色会不会像僵尸? 789456   (10 bytes , 121reads )
如果长期用会不会松弛? 789456   (0 bytes , 117reads )
网上看过类似的讨论,貌似医生说唯一造成松弛的原因是分娩。所以 空中楼阁   (92 bytes , 162reads )
每个人的SIZE不一样呀,好像痛经的人SIZE就偏小。 789456   (75 bytes , 133reads )
脚着松弛的原因是缺乏锻炼巴。。。 凡人   (0 bytes , 117reads )
这个很好用啊,不懂为什么大家还在用卫生巾。 空中楼阁   (415 bytes , 373reads )
playtex的导管很方便啊~ 早年用过ob的,就一根光秃秃的棉棒啊,坑[…] ada_ada   (142 bytes , 166reads )
那本来经期就短是不是就不适用了? 嗷嗷吃饭睡觉   (36 bytes , 150reads )
经期太短可能不太健康啊。。。 凡人   (58 bytes , 151reads )
。。。。。。我觉得不会困难吧 °︷Miko﹏   (40 bytes , 133reads )
之前看过这方面的医学说明 凡人   (372 bytes , 167reads )
那请问凡人姐姐经期几天呢。。。? °︷Miko﹏   (26 bytes , 137reads )
寒~ 也不是越长越好吧 凡人   (393 bytes , 163reads )
五天是指每天流量都很多么? °︷Miko﹏   (73 bytes , 122reads )
可以吃点补气血的东西吧 凡人   (296 bytes , 172reads )
木有啊 凡人   (84 bytes , 116reads )
目测凡人最近比生胖妞以前短了 trueif   (0 bytes , 104reads )
擦,这你也能目测??!! 凡人   (0 bytes , 117reads )
你怎么目测出来的。。。? °︷Miko﹏   (11 bytes , 103reads )
虽然他不是wsj…… 小妖霖霖   (21 bytes , 127reads )
那就是。。。推测。。。。 trueif   (0 bytes , 97reads )
同觉得。螺钉和螺帽都具备,难道不能栓起来么?…… trueif   (0 bytes , 103reads )
那就再少坑几小时……多好…… trueif   (0 bytes , 128reads )
不好。。。。。。。不过瘾 嗷嗷吃饭睡觉   (101 bytes , 137reads )
你还是太年轻了…… trueif   (219 bytes , 119reads )
这真是一个科普好帖 NND   (72 bytes , 145reads )
男僧还细细拜读。。倒 °︷Miko﹏   (42 bytes , 155reads )
点进来…… trueif   (52 bytes , 162reads )
哈哈什么都略懂一点,总会有用的。 NND   (76 bytes , 144reads )
另外表示楼主作为一个搞Research的人,转帖也太不学术了,看我给你个学术贴。 小妖霖霖   (3983 bytes , 478reads )
但是没法求证是因为用了棉条而导致孔径增大还是因为本身孔径大所以适用了棉条 八萬   (0 bytes , 213reads )
但是至少说明了 使用棉条和孔径大……………………………………………………[…] 小妖霖霖   (26 bytes , 172reads )
有一次ntu的某个活动的goodie bag发了几包棉条…… 小妖霖霖   (67 bytes , 235reads )
你一定是插入的方式不对…… trueif   (164 bytes , 265reads )
。。。。。。。。 小妖霖霖   (55 bytes , 180reads )
你不是对新鲜事物挺有兴趣的么。。。比如sForum之类的。。。 trueif   (0 bytes , 150reads )
亲你又开始写软文了…… […] 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (30 bytes , 103reads )
棉条fan飘过~ 雪莉bb   (294 bytes , 306reads )
继续科普求知。。。 NND   (109 bytes , 129reads )
你去买一盒研究下就知道 雪莉bb   (88 bytes , 129reads )
这个真不行。 NND   (38 bytes , 115reads )
可以给自己买啊~ ada_ada   (0 bytes , 91reads )
那第一次就大方贡献了吧~~ 雪莉bb   (0 bytes , 114reads )
贡献给ls?。。。 trueif   (0 bytes , 106reads )
呵呵。。雪莉mm应该是重口味。 NND   (23 bytes , 121reads )
你俩要真想找个实物研究,我不介意贡献根儿给你们玩儿... 雪莉bb   (0 bytes , 147reads )
介个真的介意。 NND   (148 bytes , 134reads )
原以为 是走小清新范儿的呢。哎。。。 NND   (230 bytes , 127reads )
恩可以做为惩罚措施。。。 NND   (159 bytes , 104reads )
难道你没追求带膜 NND   (176 bytes , 105reads )
我最近每天在看《天涯明月刀》 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (179 bytes , 127reads )
啊啊啊啊啊小哇 *3* 雪莉bb   (159 bytes , 144reads )
擦! 果然发困时候说话有歧义... 雪莉bb   (30 bytes , 121reads )
擦 你口味太重了 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (212 bytes , 120reads )
擦……这口味好重啊。。。 trueif   (137 bytes , 105reads )
用过的?? 嗷嗷吃饭睡觉   (159 bytes , 121reads )
神马?你要带膜? […] trueif   (197 bytes , 179reads )
下次版聚偶也可以带给你们玩儿…… 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (29 bytes , 114reads )
如果你知道小龙女啊什么的是如何避孕的话,就可以知道如何取出来了…… trueif   (66 bytes , 143reads )
这个得要 打通任督二脉的吧。 NND   (0 bytes , 97reads )
赞同你说的每一个字啊!! 蓝莓儿   (0 bytes , 163reads )
挺好的科普,记得以前在国内读大学时候还有推销员到宿舍推销过 凡人   (212 bytes , 187reads )