俺照着mm你发的攻略从MR rebate进去滴,貌似还没显示收到rebate
所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2009-09-05 23:42

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[转帖from华人] NARS全面20% off 到9/6号 us   (1413 bytes , 1012reads )
我的单也ship出来了,第一单成功cancel了 Elsa   (0 bytes , 179reads )
看华人上很多人说最近这次NARS 20%收到的盘子居然有古董04,05年的货,太缺德了! us   (70 bytes , 212reads )
不是号称暂时还没出炉nars的序列号破解方法么~~ ada_ada   (62 bytes , 264reads )
如果产地是加拿大(注明made in canada),批号通常三位数 武汉伢   (49 bytes , 283reads )
找到了天使原帖,大家可以参考一下自己的NARS年份 武汉伢   (119 bytes , 257reads )
按照你给的方法去查了下我之前在beauty.com买的两盘, us   (81 bytes , 233reads )
beauty.com always sells fresh nars. mine are either 08 or 09. 草莓果乐   (0 bytes , 223reads )
额,我赶紧去看看我的那些黑盒子~~~ ada_ada   (0 bytes , 206reads )
又买了不少吧!! xiaozhu79   (0 bytes , 192reads )
眼影的话,没关系吧…… 蓝莓儿   (0 bytes , 193reads )
yeah I don't mind. e/s can last very long. 草莓果乐   (0 bytes , 193reads )
My visit to NARS and LUSH yesterday 草莓果乐   (1017 bytes , 736reads )
你居然没被lush店里的气味熏晕XDDD 武汉伢   (32 bytes , 316reads )
I didn't buy fresh mask. very expensive here...555~~ 草莓果乐   (0 bytes , 236reads )
Earth Angel真的不錯,很低調~ 只看图片是不会想买它的 ada_ada   (78 bytes , 226reads )
所以我都说了现在真正适合我的都是只看照片就不想买的。 us   (0 bytes , 184reads )
哈哈,真不错!! xiaozhu79   (0 bytes , 163reads )
kalahari的确是非常赞的裸色 蓝莓儿   (93 bytes , 308reads )
真开心你也喜欢这两个,Kalahari用过了吗? us   (0 bytes , 181reads )
So sad. I forgot to bring the samples you gave me... :( 草莓果乐   (7 bytes , 222reads )
草莓在澳洲玩儿呢? Elsa   (66 bytes , 207reads )
sure i will. but the colors available at the counter are very limited... 草莓果乐   (35 bytes , 249reads )
你们用任何cash back了吗? us   (0 bytes , 190reads )
I used Mr Rebates. It appears in click summary but not yet shown as pending. 草莓果乐   (32 bytes , 271reads )
I got it listed in cashback pending le :) 草莓果乐   (0 bytes , 386reads )
俺照着mm你发的攻略从MR rebate进去滴,貌似还没显示收到rebate Elsa   (0 bytes , 507reads )
拿到的话来update一下哈! us   (0 bytes , 195reads )
My order is sucessful this time! Muhahaha~~~ 草莓果乐   (147 bytes , 290reads )
我要的9951就是没有啊!真气人~ us   (0 bytes , 209reads )
what do you like in 9951? I don't find it special ah. 草莓果乐   (0 bytes , 208reads )
I like "nothing special" eye shadow colors @_@ "" us   (53 bytes , 236reads )
我还草一个night series的眼影盘,也是没货 Elsa   (0 bytes , 238reads )
新加坡的信用卡可以么?? xiaozhu79   (0 bytes , 171reads )
真的真的??我也要!!!新加坡的卡可以不? Elsa   (0 bytes , 187reads )
我也下单了。。但是有点小郁闷 >_< Elsa   (446 bytes , 242reads )
我的也不够150,没收额外的钱,昨天下的蛋,今天就寄出来了啊 ada_ada   (14 bytes , 255reads )
那個2day的應該屬于加快,你選的普通delivery當然就不用錢,時間久一點而已XD 武汉伢   (0 bytes , 202reads )
可以,就是用新加坡的卡付的 ada_ada   (0 bytes , 176reads )
恩那,是可以用的 Elsa   (0 bytes , 231reads )
貌似我的也寄出来了~~ ada_ada   (10 bytes , 219reads )
Oh Yeah~~~~~ !!! us   (0 bytes , 225reads )
... 武汉伢   (8 bytes , 211reads )
As a NARS fan ==> 草莓果乐   (138 bytes , 322reads )
米关系,你有credit cards~~~~ 你还有草莓gg的credit cards ada_ada   (57 bytes , 239reads )
草莓GG看到的话一定在流汗了^_^'''''' us   (0 bytes , 217reads )
haha. is that how you did when you were in hongkong?^_* 草莓果乐   (0 bytes , 227reads )
没,我还是忍了忍的。。。XD ada_ada   (0 bytes , 169reads )
澳洲的贵很多的啊,不合算啊:) 蓝莓儿   (0 bytes , 218reads )
yes. i heard >A$70/duo. FT! 草莓果乐   (0 bytes , 251reads )
我被官网涮了3次= = 武汉伢   (259 bytes , 320reads )
决定不试了,原来有“血的教训”,呵呵。。。 us   (0 bytes , 229reads )
我建议咱们还是等年底再说吧 武汉伢   (103 bytes , 238reads )
同意同意。 us   (0 bytes , 210reads )
哈哈……(得意的飘过) 蓝莓儿   (22 bytes , 289reads )
我也是,上次单被取消了,哇哇!! xiaozhu79   (0 bytes , 170reads )
想买但是买不成啊。。。上次的单都被cancel了吧 :( Elsa   (0 bytes , 177reads )
是吗!NARS官网的单都被cancel了?!为什么啊'? us   (0 bytes , 276reads )