所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2009-07-29 21:40

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问一下读Chemistry 或者semicon的同学有可能懂而且megasonic只是用Distill water哦

Megasonic Cleaning is a type of Acoustic cleaning, related to Ultrasonic cleaning. It is a gentler cleaning mechanism, less likely to cause damage, and is currently used in wafer cleaning.

Similar to Ultrasonic cleaning, megasonics utilizes a transducer, usually composed of Piezoelectric Crystals to create megasonic energy. Megasonic energy is of a higher frequency (800–2000 kHz) than typical ultrasonic cleaners (<100 kHz). As a result, the cavitation that occurs is gentler and on a much smaller scale. Megasonics are currently used mainly in the silicon industry.

Megasonics cleaning compared to ultrasonic cleaning - The difference between ultrasonic cleaning and megasonics cleaning lies in the frequency that is used to generate the acoustic waves. Ultrasonic cleaning uses lower frequencies; it produces random cavitation. Megasonics cleaning uses higher frequencies at 1000 kHz; it produces controlled cavitation.

An important distinction between the two methods is that the higher megasonic frequencies do not cause the violent cavitation effects found with ultrasonic frequencies. This significantly reduces or eliminates cavitation erosion and the likelihood of surface damage to the product being cleaned. Parts that would be damaged by ultrasonic frequencies or cavitation effects can often be cleaned without damage in a megasonic bath using the same solution.

With ultrasonics, cavitation occurs throughout the tank, and all sides of submerged parts are cleaned. With megasonics, only the side of the part that is facing the transducer(s) is cleaned.


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你,你,你,你也太口爱鸟。。。。 倒着走的大象   (0 bytes , 217reads )
我,我。。。还有人要团购吗? 倒着走的大象   (0 bytes , 176reads )
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mm说的详细点点吧..也是草长到头顶了 SiHong   (0 bytes , 174reads )
洗得干净! picaqiu   (0 bytes , 203reads )
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hai ya hai ya ~~~ so nice of you... so crazy of you ( stop buying eyeshadow!!!! 倒着走的大象   (0 bytes , 248reads )
i officially declare here to stop buying eyeshadows...:) 蓝莓儿   (69 bytes , 232reads )
乖~~ 先给你点个戒疤,再发糖。。。 倒着走的大象   (0 bytes , 205reads )
洗得很干净~~~很爱~~~ 武汉伢   (162 bytes , 421reads )
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我觉得我才不是种草大王阿,是最容易被种草的:) 蓝莓儿   (0 bytes , 185reads )
反正我觉得我是离不开它了 蓝莓儿   (0 bytes , 236reads )
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抱一个 ~~~ (你不是给俺又种一撮草吗?晚上不睡了) 倒着走的大象   (0 bytes , 213reads )
泪~~人家千辛万苦注册了华新第一个ID,居然被众mm给抛弃了。。。 倒着走的大象   (0 bytes , 201reads )