在新加坡防晒一定要spf 50 +
所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2009-01-05 13:10  评分:

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我以前一直这么认为, 后来看一个皮肤科医生写的东西, 感觉Spf 25就够了
Spf 15 (with complete UVA protection or PA+++)............for regular indoor and brief outdoor use.

Spf 30 (with complete UVA protection or PA+++)............for indoor or outdoor use.

everything over spf 30 ....doesn't really mean much.....for example spf30 protect you 97.5% of uv ray while spf 50 protect you 98% NO BIG DEAL.

spf20 + spf 10 though will give you a little bit more protection, they WILL NOT give you spf 30.....

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