Club Mark and Blum
所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2008-09-26 13:37  评分:

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For formal wear with dress, I recommend Club Mark. They can bring out the body figure nicely. There is one outlet in Vivo and another in Marina Square.

The Blum at UOB center in Raffles Place also carries a few formal suits. A lot of girls in big4 likes their design.

And the top brand for formal wear should be Armani, which is also highly recommended by several IB people. I am not sure whether Armani in Singapore sell formal suits. I think I do not have enough budget to buy either.

If you are looking at suits that are not extremely normal, Zara is also a good choice. Especially for matching pants.

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哪个牌子的FORMAL WEAR比较好? 小土   (150 bytes , 1470reads )
club monaco 若苗   (0 bytes , 418reads )
Banana Republic 香辣蟹   (64 bytes , 385reads )
呵呵,刚看了它的秋冬新装秀 南岳之麓   (175 bytes , 357reads )
便宜的shirt或者skirt100左右,贵的要150-200。 香辣蟹   (70 bytes , 294reads )
这个牌子在新加坡是暴利~坚决去美国买 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 318reads )
我想买美国的gnc.. babepinky   (0 bytes , 290reads )
Wanko and Veeko Beautysleep   (131 bytes , 392reads )
我也是从那里买很多。可是都不经穿阿,很多穿两三次都不能穿了 pinkhil   (0 bytes , 223reads )
Club Mark and Blum 一路小跑   (608 bytes , 681reads )
thanks for the information. will check out then.:)kiss kiss 小土   (0 bytes , 295reads )
报告下,club marc在全场五折 picaqiu   (268 bytes , 490reads )
他家全场五折从今年2月到明年2月。member还再多小折一点儿。 马甲甲甲   (315 bytes , 446reads )
阿,全年对折阿,火星了 picaqiu   (91 bytes , 376reads )
俺也很喜欢Club Marc。。可是从来没觉得他家的裤装特正式,裙装倒是非常不错~ 马甲甲甲   (89 bytes , 346reads )
I think it should be Club Marc instead. 一路小跑   (0 bytes , 312reads )
Club Marc 确实不错 parrot   (114 bytes , 495reads )
同问,那家的裙子好呢。。。适合pp大的穿的职业裙 babepinky   (38 bytes , 372reads )
hahaha...river island or...principles. 小土   (44 bytes , 323reads )
非常正式的场合是不穿裤装的吧,正式工作场合穿质量好的职业装。晚正装都是定做。 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 368reads )
穿裙子太女性化。我喜欢中性一点的。。 小土   (26 bytes , 331reads )
俺。。俺都是在国内定做。。 马甲甲甲   (264 bytes , 450reads )
不知道这个要大概多少米哦。。 babepinky   (70 bytes , 240reads )
maybe..........................i will find out one day~ 小土   (0 bytes , 252reads )
同意 caca   (53 bytes , 360reads )