吃下去之后还不是变成G P K......
所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2007-10-08 01:35  评分:

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for your information:


Synthetic pathogenesis

Vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy, a serious and painful disease in which defective collagen prevents the formation of strong connective tissue. Gums deteriorate and bleed, with loss of teeth; skin discolors, and wounds do not heal. Prior to the eighteenth century, this condition was notorious among long duration military, particularly naval, expeditions during which participants were deprived of foods containing Vitamin C. In the human body, a malfunction of the immune system, called an autoimmune disease, results in an immune response in which healthy collagen fibers are systematically destroyed with inflammation of surrounding tissues. The resulting disease processes are called Lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis, or collagen tissue disorders.[7]

Many bacteria and viruses have virulence factors which destroy collagen or interfere with its production.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
有jm吃过胶元蛋白么?fancl或者meiji的~请教~ 喜宝   (188 bytes , 1581reads )
有吃fancl胶原 zhou花花   (105 bytes , 473reads )
我有meiji的 印象派   (71 bytes , 416reads )
mm吃了觉得有效果吗? 喜宝   (0 bytes , 246reads )
yes. it works in the long run. materialist   (0 bytes , 252reads )
do u take it everyday? pinkhil   (103 bytes , 238reads )
直接注射 小土   (6 bytes , 390reads )
是什么? 喜宝   (0 bytes , 242reads )
我正在吃fancl的 pinkhil   (70 bytes , 443reads )
吃下去之后还不是变成G P K...... 毒鼠强   (963 bytes , 486reads )
K is lysine...not Leucine, Leucine is L watercooler   (106 bytes , 307reads )
我脑子最近糊涂啊。。。。。 毒鼠强   (0 bytes , 246reads )
把后果用中文简明的讲出来。。谢谢。。。 喜宝   (63 bytes , 399reads )
唉,发现我跟月见草八字不合 machilus   (175 bytes , 405reads )
才吃了2周,还在观察,有一项经期综合症是我不想治好的 喜宝   (18 bytes , 521reads )
汗。。。 machilus   (59 bytes , 356reads )
我也是 pinkhil   (14 bytes , 269reads )
啊。。。。 毒鼠强   (373 bytes , 375reads )
3。。。。 毒鼠强   (74 bytes , 331reads )
赞这个科学的 落花人独立   (224 bytes , 361reads )
我每天在吃vc,葡萄籽,月间草 babepinky   (0 bytes , 419reads )
我也想吃抗氧化的东东,你的葡萄籽效果好吗? 喜宝   (0 bytes , 375reads )
月间草我还可以说对我有效果,但是抗氧化真的很难衡量 babepinky   (16 bytes , 352reads )
哇!美女你吃这么多种东西! 蓝莓儿   (0 bytes , 238reads )
善存满好用,guardian,watsons到处都是,吃了皮肤比较有光泽呢 喜宝   (0 bytes , 503reads )
什么善存啊,VC,VE胶囊之类的,我之前吃了不少 蓝莓儿   (69 bytes , 508reads )
我以前吃单独的VC,VE总忘记,善存每天一片,对我来讲基本可以坚持~ 喜宝   (85 bytes , 453reads )
And most importantly 毒鼠强   (156 bytes , 385reads )
meiji的那个冲的 落花人独立   (218 bytes , 484reads )
猪皮哪里买哟~? 喜宝   (0 bytes , 416reads )
NTUC 卖猪肉的地方就有嘛 蓝莓儿   (0 bytes , 347reads )
恩,准备试试这个 machilus   (36 bytes , 241reads )
升松也有 落花人独立   (74 bytes , 304reads )
同意这个 蓝莓儿   (16 bytes , 287reads )
吃了半年,效果一点点,就算了 babepinky   (0 bytes , 300reads )
babypinky你的butyshop怎么买到的 喜宝   (26 bytes , 376reads )
butyshop我在novena的总店买的。。。 babepinky   (363 bytes , 434reads )
我记得你说过在用她家的洗面奶Ho 喜宝   (0 bytes , 412reads )
butyshop有什么明星产品推荐么? machilus   (14 bytes , 259reads )
洗面gel,面膜,焕肤精华,护发精华,去死皮gel... babepinky   (96 bytes , 407reads )
我试过他家的小套装~~ kellieyanlei   (536 bytes , 268reads )
那个。。我推荐的不是你的套装里的拉。。 babepinky   (347 bytes , 335reads )
汗一个 ,今天去IMMd的gurdia看了,发现butyshop在打折!! kellieyanlei   (292 bytes , 424reads )
记得每次到vivo的giant超市,路过gardiant的时候,都在打折啊 落花人独立   (0 bytes , 420reads )
对啊,几个明星产品都没打着。。。 babepinky   (32 bytes , 331reads )
butyshop在一些guaridan有卖的 pinkhil   (27 bytes , 388reads )
^0^ 喜宝   (0 bytes , 232reads )
看这里~ 小田   (373 bytes , 519reads )
我吃了这么久,并没觉得有影响 pinkhil   (64 bytes , 278reads )
听说玻尿酸会有依赖性,一定要从低度的开始用,然后要一点点加高浓度来维持效果 漂亮波波贴   (40 bytes , 533reads )
Orz 小田   (31 bytes , 343reads )
btw,我吃过fancl的Clear AC,让皮肤清爽的 喜宝   (39 bytes , 478reads )
这个我也吃过,算是fancl里比较有效的了。。 babepinky   (108 bytes , 342reads )
你需要瘦身么。。。身材嘎好的 喜宝   (0 bytes , 254reads )
女人永远都想要再瘦一点,再瘦一点。。。 babepinky   (36 bytes , 295reads )
清爽就是少油么? 小田   (16 bytes , 245reads )
少油,且痘痘比较少 喜宝   (58 bytes , 294reads )
哈哈,可爱的!^^ 小田   (0 bytes , 237reads )
这个我也等 蓝莓儿   (34 bytes , 291reads )
okay,打消胶原念头,观察波尿酸,多吃猪脚~ 喜宝   (50 bytes , 451reads )
嗯,脸颊不饱满就会显得老 小田   (49 bytes , 399reads )
煮一锅猪骨汤,里面超多胶元蛋白。这种外源药剂不见得有效,而且你已经很漂漂了 doublex   (14 bytes , 564reads )
骨头汤没有胶原,只有脂肪。 materialist   (0 bytes , 222reads )
怕迟暮阿 喜宝   (0 bytes , 269reads )