yup yup,very sure
所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2007-05-28 07:49

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
if u have any doubt.could check out silk/cotton suit from Agnes B homme, I like their suits quite a lot. local shop raffles tailor also has a good collection of silk/cotton suits including tuxedo ones.

I have no means to offense you but I tik ur answers logical according to ur economic theory but actually do not make sense in the real world. You should know it better than me that all the econ models are not 100% correct because that are simply too many factors to be considered. Yes, classic stuff will not be out of date forever but that doesn't mean that you could wear the same SUPer Classic piece for every formal occasion.

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请问最近有地方小礼服打折吗?就是rom结婚登记的那种 littlefish   (220 bytes , 2174reads )
China Towm的Lucky China Town(幸运牛车水)二楼有一家做礼服的 硝烟   (68 bytes , 765reads )
嗬嗬,谢谢 littlefish   (52 bytes , 287reads )
Treat it as investment oceanxin2   (822 bytes , 478reads )
but this is still an expense. MrDJay   (145 bytes , 265reads )
investment on intangiable can give tangiable return, oceanxin2   (155 bytes , 456reads )
I Never say investments on intangible are not investments.... sweat.... MrDJay   (0 bytes , 247reads )
谢谢你们 littlefish   (38 bytes , 216reads )
You are welcome. oceanxin2   (88 bytes , 236reads )
这种小礼服都是穿一次的,哪儿能每次都穿一样的,越出色的越不能重复穿 漂亮波波贴   (242 bytes , 480reads )
哈,波波贴说得很贴切。我想海星说得是针对男士的西服。 littlefish   (0 bytes , 281reads )
I am from Mars, you are from venus. oceanxin2   (465 bytes , 315reads )
yup yup,very sure 漂亮波波贴   (633 bytes , 347reads )
强烈同意。。。 babepinky   (0 bytes , 262reads )
那个定律对男的适用 sarah   (157 bytes , 297reads )
是的。一定要变化的。 漂亮波波贴   (540 bytes , 253reads )
谢谢你 littlefish   (70 bytes , 219reads )
海新好有研究阿。小声说一句,>90% wool,会不会很热阿? 南瓜   (0 bytes , 204reads )
不会,看布的厚度。 oceanxin2   (340 bytes , 304reads )
一辈子就穿一次的东西,建议选择做工精良,美观大方的。价格建议放在后面考虑。 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 227reads )
谢谢居士建议,我想买美观大方,但是平时有可能有机会穿的 :) littlefish   (0 bytes , 192reads )
对不起,可以介绍一下ROM的程序嘛?谢谢了 漂亮波波贴   (0 bytes , 283reads )
漂亮波波贴看过来~ littlefish   (625 bytes , 397reads )
宣誓咋还有牧师啊? machilus   (79 bytes , 296reads )
不好意思,我说错了,是Solemniser,就是你们俩宣誓的时候主持的那个人 littlefish   (75 bytes , 546reads )
同学们,去ROM的小礼服,不一定要是婚纱吧? ursualr   (0 bytes , 425reads )
对呀,不是婚纱,小礼服就行了吧。昨天去看了好多 littlefish   (62 bytes , 387reads )
vera wang的挺不错,不知道新加坡的价钱如何 漂亮波波贴   (0 bytes , 463reads )
姐姐ROM的时候要不要拍照啊? 小风吹   (207 bytes , 537reads )
谢谢建议,我去看看 littlefish   (0 bytes , 212reads )
一生大概穿一次? 小土   (171 bytes , 378reads )
很多经历有一次就比没有强 MrDJay   (0 bytes , 212reads )
嘿嘿,我也在考虑买件偶尔有机会穿的 littlefish   (0 bytes , 214reads )
比较详细的信息,斑竹给个花戴吧:-P greenzwy   (928 bytes , 833reads )
green请进-〉 littlefish   (758 bytes , 507reads )
我今天也去看了 greenzwy   (501 bytes , 366reads )
:)谢谢你,好sweet哦 littlefish   (436 bytes , 321reads )
黑色不太好捏...但是喜欢的裙子要下手啊 ursualr   (19 bytes , 286reads )
:)没有买呢。 littlefish   (58 bytes , 185reads )
非常感谢 littlefish   (37 bytes , 206reads )
真是详细,虽然不结婚但是也收到很多信息哦^^. ursualr   (0 bytes , 293reads )
:)可以买件婚礼的时候穿,不过我想国内选择更多哦 littlefish   (0 bytes , 281reads )
真的想买,理由总是可以找到滴:D ursualr   (34 bytes , 215reads )
哈,同去同去~ littlefish   (0 bytes , 185reads )
啊呀...我才不要做电灯泡... ursualr   (0 bytes , 200reads )
现在Tangs减价的厉害,昨天看了下,有小礼服。MM可以去看看 =) 南瓜   (0 bytes , 332reads )
谢谢,打算这个周末去那一块看看,嘻嘻 littlefish   (0 bytes , 214reads )
Daniel Yam 不错的 caca   (51 bytes , 426reads )
我也推荐这个!!!~性价比高而且以后在稍微正式的场合都能穿~ piggy99   (0 bytes , 221reads )
谢谢 littlefish   (0 bytes , 200reads )
姐姐要结婚了?恭喜阿!!! machilus   (16 bytes , 247reads )
赫赫,好久没有看到你。出去玩了? littlefish   (20 bytes , 215reads )
hoho machilus   (48 bytes , 262reads )
哈,好幸福呀。都在家里了。 littlefish   (30 bytes , 260reads )
好耶! machilus   (36 bytes , 226reads )
:)好可爱呀 littlefish   (172 bytes , 273reads )
pai dui pai dui!! wo ye yao !!!! 米小米   (31 bytes , 287reads )
谢谢!! littlefish   (39 bytes , 220reads )
本来打算随随便便就去,昨天听说要穿得比较。。所以开始着急买东西了 littlefish   (0 bytes , 253reads )
tangs二楼的diannel yan 小铁锤   (215 bytes , 732reads )
看到METRO,美罗也有这个BRAND 小土   (29 bytes , 387reads )
大家真好,谢谢,要去看看 littlefish   (0 bytes , 196reads )
谢谢,那robinson有diannel yan吗? littlefish   (0 bytes , 258reads )
seems not 小铁锤   (0 bytes , 242reads )
谢谢 littlefish   (37 bytes , 238reads )
嘿嘿嘿嘿...我就知道你会来发帖滴... ursualr   (0 bytes , 212reads )
嗬嗬,自己搞不定亚 littlefish   (30 bytes , 268reads )