所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2006-05-09 14:52

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一个成人每日的能量消耗大概是2000 kcal(女)和2500 kcal(男)左右。按这个计算,女生饱和脂肪的摄取不可多于20克,总脂肪摄取不可多于60克。男生女生饱和脂肪的摄取不可多于25克,总脂肪摄取不可多于75克。





建议水果是因为膳食纤维的原因。目前推荐量是14g/1000kcal, 也就是30g(女)和35g(男)。目前尚未找到过多食用膳食纤维的坏处。

附:Food Sources of Dietary Fiber

Food Sources of Dietary Fiber ranked by grams of dietary fiber per standard amount; also calories in the standard amount. (All are ≥10% of AI for adult women, which is 25 grams/day.)
Food, Standard Amount Dietary Fiber (g) Calories
Navy beans, cooked, ½ cup 9.5 128
Bran ready-to-eat cereal (100%), ½ cup 8.8 78
Kidney beans, canned, ½ cup 8.2 109
Split peas, cooked, ½ cup 8.1 116
Lentils, cooked, ½ cup 7.8 115
Black beans, cooked, ½ cup 7.5 114
Pinto beans, cooked, ½ cup 7.7 122
Lima beans, cooked, ½ cup 6.6 108
Artichoke, globe, cooked, 1 each 6.5 60
White beans, canned, ½ cup 6.3 154
Chickpeas, cooked, ½ cup 6.2 135
Great northern beans, cooked, ½ cup 6.2 105
Cowpeas, cooked, ½ cup 5.6 100
Soybeans, mature, cooked, ½ cup 5.2 149
Bran ready-to-eat cereals, various, ~1 oz 2.6-5.0 90-108
Crackers, rye wafers, plain, 2 wafers 5.0 74
Sweetpotato, baked, with peel, l medium (146 g) 4.8 131
Asian pear, raw, 1 small 4.4 51
Green peas, cooked, ½ cup 4.4 67
Whole-wheat English muffin, 1 each 4.4 134
Pear, raw, 1 small 4.3 81
Bulgur, cooked, ½ cup 4.1 76
Mixed vegetables, cooked, ½ cup 4.0 59
Raspberries, raw, ½ cup 4.0 32
Sweetpotato, boiled, no peel, 1 medium (156 g) 3.9 119
Blackberries, raw, ½ cup 3.8 31
Potato, baked, with skin, 1 medium 3.8 161
Soybeans, green, cooked, ½ cup 3.8 127
Stewed prunes, ½ cup 3.8 133
Figs, dried, ¼ cup 3.7 93
Dates, ¼ cup 3.6 126
Oat bran, raw, ¼ cup 3.6 58
Pumpkin, canned, ½ cup 3.6 42
Spinach, frozen, cooked, ½ cup 3.5 30
Shredded wheat ready-to-eat cereals, various, ~1 oz 2.8-3.4 96
Almonds, 1 oz 3.3 164
Apple with skin, raw, 1 medium 3.3 72
Brussels sprouts, frozen, cooked, ½ cup 3.2 33
Whole-wheat spaghetti, cooked, ½ cup 3.1 87
Banana, 1 medium 3.1 105
Orange, raw, 1 medium 3.1 62
Oat bran muffin, 1 small 3.0 178
Guava, 1 medium 3.0 37
Pearled barley, cooked, ½ cup 3.0 97
Sauerkraut, canned, solids, and liquids, ½ cup 3.0 23
Tomato paste, ¼ cup 2.9 54
Winter squash, cooked, ½ cup 2.9 38
Broccoli, cooked, ½ cup 2.8 26
Parsnips, cooked, chopped, ½ cup 2.8 55
Turnip greens, cooked, ½ cup 2.5 15
Collards, cooked, ½ cup 2.7 25
Okra, frozen, cooked, ½ cup 2.6 26
Peas, edible-podded, cooked, ½ cup 2.5 42
Source: ARS Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 17. Foods are from single nutrient reports, which are sorted either by food description or in descending order by nutrient content in terms of common household measures. The food items and weights in these reports are adapted from those in 2002 revision of USDA Home and Garden Bulletin No. 72, Nutritive Value of Foods. Mixed dishes and multiple preparations of the same food item have been omitted.

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确实无聊啊,呵呵 阿修罗   (134 bytes , 292reads )
你也知道这些都是众所周知的研究成果,那还号称是自己的心得? Voyage   (63 bytes , 416reads )
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high MSG, except some sweet stuffing sarah   (0 bytes , 272reads )
哦,有个重要问题:糖吃多了,除了蛀牙,会有其他什么不良后果吗? 南瓜   (22 bytes , 362reads )
还会导致血糖增高 ^自由鸟^   (75 bytes , 254reads )
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忘了说,暂时尚未想到其他不良后果。 阿修罗   (0 bytes , 252reads )
对于不经常吃糖的人,比如偶,突然多吃会造成 MrDJay   (52 bytes , 343reads )
你可以选择无糖的Candy啊,就不用怕蛀牙了 阿修罗   (42 bytes , 254reads )
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营养学专家的话必须要听! 南瓜   (129 bytes , 394reads )
巧克力的问题。。。 MrDJay   (0 bytes , 289reads )
actually my table is the choclairs supply center... :P 南瓜   (0 bytes , 280reads )
汗。。。 阿修罗   (56 bytes , 345reads )