所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2005-04-14 17:52

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kimage在多美歌和chinatown都有吧, 一般的剪头30$. 上次去的chinatown, 出来还是惨不忍睹.

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人多,我问问大家平时剪头发怎么解决的? happier   (44 bytes , 1124reads )
QB House...Clementi QB House...那裡的員工有一個是湖北老鄉... 共產黨   (0 bytes , 509reads )
reds and kimage 黯然销魂饭   (77 bytes , 465reads )
去过唐城坊kimage 肉垫   (107 bytes , 471reads )
我知道分店,但是忘记价钱了.网上没查到. happier   (0 bytes , 248reads )
找白心,或者去super cut 树袋猪   (80 bytes , 398reads )
where is the supercut ?price ?and location?thanx happier   (0 bytes , 292reads )
supercut很多地方都有,连锁店 树袋猪   (55 bytes , 401reads )
不过白心有自己的店么? happier   (0 bytes , 264reads )
你打他的电话,他来你家剪不是更方便? 树袋猪   (1 bytes , 255reads )
推荐JP一家理发店 Voyage   (135 bytes , 1045reads )
可是,你们说的都是剪男生,难道没给女生剪的好的? happier   (0 bytes , 243reads )
哦哦原来你是女生啊 Voyage   (54 bytes , 371reads )
no go to QB, it's jap shop. materialist   (0 bytes , 246reads )
i think some QB change to EC house liao,which are in control by chinese. 小嘴不停波尔卡   (0 bytes , 338reads )
any other detailed suggestions for me .555555 happier   (0 bytes , 222reads )
if u r male. go to any hair-stylist's, materialist   (66 bytes , 275reads )
算了.谢谢.我是问剪female :) happier   (0 bytes , 202reads )
but, btw , I even dont know Whats QB .hehe happier   (0 bytes , 269reads )