I also want to buy,but I don't know where the "body shop"is.
所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2004-11-25 23:24

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Please tell me the address. Thank you.

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The body shop打折活动=> ursualr   (136 bytes , 876reads )
更正:是买两件不打折而且在10块以上的东东15%, 三件类推 过眼云烟   (238 bytes , 309reads )
I also want to buy,but I don't know where the "body shop"is. sandlewood   (38 bytes , 283reads )
=> ursualr   (151 bytes , 198reads )
补充:买两件不折价的东西有15%折扣,三件好像是20%折扣 若即若离   (54 bytes , 270reads )
要去抢了=P machilus   (0 bytes , 193reads )