所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2003-06-10 12:04  评分:

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west mall Sakea sushi, think weekdays got buffetm, but the time is wield, afternoon only.
Suntec or Jp the fiesta Sushi..not buffet but 2 person $35 enought.

Marina Square
1. Breeks western food
2. 来一客 应该是和成吉思汗连锁的, although dinner is slightly more ex, but got more things to eat

Suntec international buffet below $20

JP 楼上那家上海翡翠小龙包也是不错 特别是云吞, 有四川红油抄手.

还有兴趣的话, 可以试一下Califonia Pizza, cheaper than pizza hut

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