you sure can't apply oxy during night?????
所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2003-04-14 13:52

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gosh, you are sure about this, i have been using that for the past few years, always apply before sleep. I don't think it darkens my skin significantly though my complexion is not fair at all. I like using 10% benzoyl peroxide cover because i can wear it on the street. Though the cream is a bit dry, it's not to the extent that you would feel the stretch of the skin. But what i am afraid is that after using 10% benzoly peroxide for too long, it will lose its effectiveness against pimples. So i have decided to use other products after i finish this tube. Not sure whether it helps, any comments from anyone?

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关于去痘产品 OXY 。。。 红杉树   (991 bytes , 1258reads )
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嗯,这是对DI。 生烟井   (0 bytes , 202reads )