所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2021-09-19 08:07  更多评分:

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These deaths of the fully vaccinated, that occurred between June 7 and Sept 6, were mainly senior citizens (744; 80.6 percent), had comorbidities (750; 81.3 percent) - usually both (605; 65.6 percent).

Deaths among those below 60 with no comorbidities only accounted for 33 cases (3.6 percent).

Based on Malaysiakini's analysis of the data, Sinovac vaccine recipients account for 710 out of 922 of these deaths (77.0 percent), even though Sinovac vaccine recipients only make up 51.5 percent of fully vaccinated people as of Sept 6 including the 14-day period after the second dose.

In comparison, Pfizer vaccine recipients account for 206 deaths (22.3 percent) while accounting for 43.6 percent of the fully vaccinated population in Malaysia.

In other words, there are 10.11 vaccine breakthrough deaths for every 100,000 people fully vaccinated with the Sinovac vaccine, and 3.47 per 100,000 for Pfizer recipients.

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