我打心里喜欢买东西,喜欢寻找需要我产品作为解决方案的客户.可能很多人觉得做销售门槛很低,其实我见过真正厉害的销售,真的很牛!那种对市场独特的眼光和分析,以及在客户面前EQ拿捏淋漓尽致, 对人综合素质的要求, 是没有商学院能"学" 的来. 我记得以前读 MBA 最后让写reflection 和点评。我 quoted “Sales is both an art and a science; the best salespeople recognize this fact which is why they are successful. The MBA may be able to teach the “science” part of it but mastering the “art” of it comes down to real-world experience, pounding the pavement, engaging clients, and learning to deal with rejection. "