所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2020-04-10 17:24

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How many people have really been infected by the coronavirus? In one German town a preliminary answer is in: about 14%.
The municipality of Gangelt, near the border with the Netherlands, was hard hit by covid-19 after a February carnival celebration drew thousands to the town, turning it into an accidental petri dish.
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Now, after searching blood from 500 residents for antibodies to the virus, scientists at a nearby university say they have determined that one in seven have been infected and are therefore “immune.” Some of those people would have had no symptoms at all.
Their brief report (PDF), posted online in German, has big implications for how soon that town, and the rest of the world, can come out from lockdown.
“To me it looks like we don’t yet have a large fraction of the population exposed,” says Nicholas Christakis, a doctor and social science researcher at Yale University. “They had carnivals and festivals, but only 14% are positive. That means there is a lot more to go even in a hard-hit part of Germany.”
Here's why the true infection rate in a region matters: the bigger it is, the less pain still lies ahead. Eventually, when enough people are immune—maybe half to three-quarters of us—the virus won’t be able to spread further, a concept called herd immunity.
But the German town isn’t close to that threshold yet, and to Christakis the preliminary figure is “unfortunate” because it means the virus still has more damage to do.
The German report is among the first to survey a population for evidence of prior infection, data that scientists need to determine how far the pandemic has spread, what the real death rate is, and how many people show no symptoms at all.
“It’s very preliminary, but it’s the kind of study we desperately need,” says Christakis, who believes the US should test as many as 200,000 people, from big cities like New York to small towns in the Midwest. “This is crucial to quantify a host of basic parameters.”
Globally, the official case count of covid-19 is more than 1.5 million people, but that reckoning mostly includes people who seek medical help and get tested. The true number of people infected, including those without symptoms and who don’t get tested, is far higher.
More data from "sero-surveys" should be available soon; sources include US hospitals. On April 6, Stanford Medicine announced it had launched its own serology test and had begun screening doctors, nurses, and others for antibodies.
“The test will enable us to determine which health-care workers might be at low risk for working with covid-19 patients, as well as understanding disease prevalence in our communities,” said spokesperson Lisa Kim.
Early results from hospitals are already circulating among some experts, says Christakis, who thinks these data will get us “closer to the truth” about how far the infection has spread in US cities. “If you see 5% positive in your health-care workers, that means infection rates probably aren’t higher than that in your city,” he says.
The survey in Germany was carried out by virologist Hendrik Streeck and several others at the University Hospital in Bonn, who say they approached about 1,000 residents of Gangelt to give blood, have their throats swabbed, and fill out a survey.
They found that 2% of residents were actively infected by the coronavirus and a total of 14% had antibodies, indicating a prior infection. This group of people, they say, “can no longer be infected with SARS-CoV-2,” as the virus is known to scientists.
As the virus spreads, it sends a certain percentage of people to the hospital and a few of those to ICUs; a portion of those will die. One of the biggest unanswered questions is exactly what percentage of infected people the coronavirus is killing.
From the result of their blood survey, the German team estimated the death rate in the municipality at 0.37% overall, a figure significantly lower than what’s shown on a dashboard maintained by Johns Hopkins, where the death rate in Germany among reported cases is 2%.
The authors explain that the difference in the calculations boils down to how many people are actually infected but haven’t been counted because they have mild or no symptoms.
The presence of previously infected people in the community, Streeck and colleagues believe, will reduce the speed at which the virus can move in the area. They also outline a process by which social distancing can be slowly unwound, especially given hygienic measures, like handwashing, and isolating and tracking the sick. They think if people avoid getting big doses of the virus—which can happen in hospitals or via close contact with someone infected—fewer people will become severely ill, “while at the same time developing immunity” that can help finally end the outbreak.

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有些人信口开河的时候,总是忘记还有个古狗,大家可以核实。 qazplm   (0 bytes , 18reads )
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再发一次 笑天   (584 bytes , 13reads )
有深度 我在这里   (6 bytes , 22reads )
最后一段尤其重要 笑天   (583 bytes , 16reads )
对这个病毒和免疫的研究还不确定吧 毛绒绒滴小河马   (111 bytes , 11reads )
大疫当前,应该尽量积极的渡过吧 医药法规   (172 bytes , 19reads )
你误解了我的意思吧 毛绒绒滴小河马   (67 bytes , 15reads )
所以政府让大家呆在家里是等死? 小馋牛   (123 bytes , 17reads )
那就等下去吧 医药法规   (26 bytes , 13reads )
核心的问题在于 医药法规   (244 bytes , 14reads )
猫死这完全不是问题啊 笑天   (141 bytes , 14reads )
大家不是极左就是极右啊 毛绒绒滴小河马   (0 bytes , 13reads )
一路走来始终如一 笑天   (197 bytes , 24reads )
假如用钱交换,去感染(然后所谓免疫) andy99   (64 bytes , 18reads )
真有你的!这个也拿钱算。 douknnowme   (0 bytes , 14reads )
我是看他一心想去"被免疫" andy99   (0 bytes , 21reads )
就这死亡率100万,我还真不干。 douknnowme   (38 bytes , 16reads )
我不改口,我可没那么多资产 andy99   (0 bytes , 15reads )
呵呵 果然天子民一切用钱衡量 笑天   (37 bytes , 13reads )
只有钱比较标准统一 andy99   (97 bytes , 15reads )
键盘侠好当,说到做到才是厉害 小馋牛   (115 bytes , 17reads )
Hi~交友~ 束負nuo52   (16 bytes , 29reads )
交友:他乡故知 医药法规   (20 bytes , 17reads )
感染率和抗体产生率一样 笑天   (83 bytes , 20reads )
英文报道在这里 和中文的有些出入 笑天   (173 bytes , 17reads )
就是说,每两个有症状的人 笑天   (88 bytes , 19reads )
你理解错了 hula   (422 bytes , 21reads )
原文照帖 笑天   (5033 bytes , 16reads )
看原文吧 笑天   (595 bytes , 14reads )
如果按照英文的报告,有85%的感染者 笑天   (37 bytes , 13reads )
并且这个报告称他们“免疫”,其实未必 hula   (304 bytes , 15reads )
请叫它1918大流行流感 date123   (17 bytes , 11reads )
没记错的话,层主一直是讲那5个美国兵和军运会的故事来的。 qazplm   (18 bytes , 13reads )
这是科学问题不是政治问题 毛绒绒滴小河马   (295 bytes , 14reads )
您那个链接要是您自己也没看懂,我再问问别人,没关系。 qazplm   (0 bytes , 15reads )
我只想知道,这个故事还成立不成立了? qazplm   (150 bytes , 15reads )
具体就是 毛绒绒滴小河马   (925 bytes , 21reads )
您给我古狗来的这个翻译,完全是夹藏私货。 qazplm   (316 bytes , 16reads )
这是说很惊讶不是武汉的主要品种 毛绒绒滴小河马   (361 bytes , 23reads )
你真牛,说到最后告诉大家,是外行看不懂。 qazplm   (36 bytes , 17reads )
我还是不回复了吧 毛绒绒滴小河马   (0 bytes , 20reads )
你还不是回复了。 qazplm   (0 bytes , 19reads )
你这人啥都能撕起来 毛绒绒滴小河马   (12 bytes , 22reads )
愿意撕请和作者去撕,不懂英文的话有个东西叫做Google translate。不奉陪了。 qazplm   (124 bytes , 19reads )
哎呀,您真是个热心人,连古狗都帮我做了。 qazplm   (79 bytes , 11reads )
按这种理解,人类没有办法了 笑天   (106 bytes , 14reads )
我的理解是 笑天   (57 bytes , 13reads )
“必须竭尽所能避免和减少污名化” 医药法规   (4200 bytes , 23reads )