所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2019-07-31 00:11

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Constitution of the Republic of Singapore
130 Deprivation of citizenship of child of person losing citizenship
Deprivation of citizenship of child of person losing citizenship Where a person has — renounced his citizenship; or been deprived of his citizenship under Article 129(2)( a ) or 134(1)( a ), the Government may, by order, deprive of his citizenship any child of that person under the age of 21 years who has been registered as a citizen of Singapore pursuant to this Constitution and was so registered as being the child of that person or of that person's wife or husband.

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看个人吧 Kitekite   (38 bytes , 29reads )
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如果大部分人不同意兵役,PAP估计就下台了。 Kitekite   (42 bytes , 28reads )
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文科生吧 helloabc   (26 bytes , 26reads )
不到一半吧 Calicocat   (22 bytes , 33reads )
出生率就1.2 羊驼君   (8 bytes , 25reads )
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+1 羊驼君   (98 bytes , 26reads )
不一定啊 Kitekite   (134 bytes , 39reads )
宪法规定21岁才可以放弃公民 大叔一名   (152 bytes , 27reads )
主要是服兵役的问题。 Daniel2007   (94 bytes , 49reads )
陈万荣那个事情,的确是法外开恩了 helloabc   (254 bytes , 39reads )
虽然是罚款 PCPOP   (50 bytes , 29reads )
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现年49岁 熊猫眼黑屁股圆   (50 bytes , 37reads )
这是条很久的新闻。 熊维妮   (156 bytes , 24reads )
新闻发生的时候不是现在 helloabc   (286 bytes , 39reads )
多谢指交! 熊猫眼黑屁股圆   (0 bytes , 24reads )
娃娃是pr呢。 DonnieMum   (51 bytes , 50reads )
官方说法是如果长大后再次申请pr可能会受影响 PCPOP   (0 bytes , 33reads )
这个问题还是小心处理得好。 Kitekite   (177 bytes , 37reads )
新加坡每年逃兵役的大概1% qingni   (106 bytes , 44reads )
可是楼主是新加坡公民啊 Kitekite   (111 bytes , 25reads )
换回中国国籍在国内养老呗 PCPOP   (0 bytes , 40reads )
换回中国国籍好像是传说啊…… Kitekite   (10 bytes , 29reads )
都有人办成了在网上发攻略了 PCPOP   (8 bytes , 28reads )
提供一种可能,请慎重考虑。 montanio   (586 bytes , 38reads )
应该没有双国籍吧 人在狮城2016   (151 bytes , 44reads )
国内有户籍就可以更新啊 justpassby   (115 bytes , 34reads )
各地情况不一样 helloabc   (154 bytes , 30reads )
中国护照在过期前回国时候换就可以了 家有仨宝   (0 bytes , 84reads )
16年入公民 18年回国 家有仨宝   (26 bytes , 28reads )
现在还有机会 helloabc   (262 bytes , 37reads )
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如果有抽签的话,你抽中不回来上,就是浪费了别人的一个机会啊。 Kitekite   (18 bytes , 33reads )
这个就不好说了 helloabc   (50 bytes , 34reads )
静悄悄的退掉,或者把新加坡的护照撕了 sonatam   (58 bytes , 79reads )