所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2019-04-04 09:47

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
除了以下优惠以外,使用推荐码(referral code) "96955412"  还有额外$20 的账单折扣。

March into Huge Savings with Geneco

Light up your March with a whopping $60 off your electricity bill. Enter REAL60 to enjoy this online exclusive promo.

Promotion Details

Applicable from 1 March and while stocks last basis. 
Applicable for online sign-ups only. 
Other Terms & Conditions Apply.

Promo Code Promo Mechanics Limited to Sign-Ups Terms & Conditions
REAL60 $60 off your bill 5,000 One-time off rebate on your bill. Only Valid for Get It Fixed 36 plan
REAL50 $50 off your bill One-time off rebate on your bill. Valid for all plans except Give Us A Try 6 months plan




Get S$40 credit via recurring bill payment with your American ExpressCard

Save the offer to eligible Card by 30 Jun 2019 and spend S$10 or more, in one transaction, via recurring bill payment by 31 Aug 2019 to receive one S$40 credit. Limited to the first 20,000 Cards. Exclusions apply.

Promotion Details

Promotion Period: From 27 Feb 2019 till 31 Aug 2019, both dates inclusive.

Limited to the first 20,000 Cards. 

To qualify: 
1) Save the offer to eligible Card here by 30 Jun 2019 and 
2) Spend S$10 or more in one transaction, via recurring bill payment by 31 Aug 2019 to receive one S$40 credit.

Other Terms & Conditions Apply.


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【万能求助】怎么选择供电商 wu11   (234 bytes , 10973reads )
两年瞬间就到了,又换了新的一家 shelia211   (130 bytes , 43reads )
刚打开这个帖子以为是别人发的,越看怎么似曾相识(汗) wu11   (229 bytes , 54reads )
我也放一个pacificlight code: IZIRURERKM xiaoben   (0 bytes , 107reads )
GENECO的code 你若安好   (24 bytes , 45reads )
GENECO 优惠 XXD   (5605 bytes , 71reads )
分享电力零售商更换 Keppel Electric:$60 bill rebate kklab3148   (799 bytes , 81reads )
Geneco 不错 resulting   (171 bytes , 103reads )
今天刚签ohm sara2013   (104 bytes , 31reads )
分享一下第一个月电费账单 wu11   (286 bytes , 114reads )
我也选了ohm fix 一年的 yangruozi   (168 bytes , 78reads )
用了你的code 爱新觉罗--小宝   (0 bytes , 37reads )
Referral Code OHMREFF6C085 wu11   (72 bytes , 39reads )
选了geneco, reference code 82184005 gospher   (211 bytes , 77reads )
推荐Geneco 24个月 lwfzl   (190 bytes , 207reads )
用了这个refer code kellieyanlei   (4 bytes , 24reads )
感谢还有人来留言 wu11   (217 bytes , 36reads )
选了ohm 1 yr fixed 半壶纱   (86 bytes , 49reads )
分享Tuas power推荐码 RC221E6 说什么好呢   (308 bytes , 144reads )
Ohm已经开始供电了 miaowowo   (160 bytes , 33reads )
推荐Tuas Power (Ref code: RCFE2AF) hushpuppies   (85 bytes , 47reads )
借楼分享OHMREF74A0D8 tempo   (69 bytes , 51reads )
也分享一下OHM vivian542   (45 bytes , 39reads )
也分享我的ohm referral code:OHMREF2D1432 最美好的时光   (5 bytes , 66reads )
感谢楼主分享code:OHMREF99FBE8 驿外寒梅2015   (12 bytes , 72reads )
谢谢层主的code。我签了Fixed Ohm,6个月,我的code是OHMREF20BA1C xiaoleic   (22 bytes , 78reads )
Ohm已经开始供电了。坐等第一个月的费用。 shelia211   (1017 bytes , 49reads )
mark seanwen   (1 bytes , 54reads )
刚签了两年的geneco COM1挣扎者   (432 bytes , 65reads )
请问ohm 和 tuas power 不能用one card 还账单吗 wiesler   (4 bytes , 49reads )
现在电费都起了,geneco和keppel相差不大 kellieyanlei   (214 bytes , 123reads )
层主你错过之前一个贴了 wu11   (38 bytes , 81reads )
那个帖子啊,我都没搜索到 kellieyanlei   (225 bytes , 32reads )
下面连接 wu11   (52 bytes , 49reads )
我对ohm的理解是不能 不知道对不对 COM1挣扎者   (141 bytes , 34reads )
怎么选择供电商 北方吹来的风   (164 bytes , 56reads )
贡献一个code 黑猪也疯狂   (26 bytes , 150reads )
请问已经开通新的电力供应商的华新友人们 永远的根号3   (102 bytes , 75reads )
我昨天随便上sp网站看了下 wu11   (166 bytes , 47reads )
不用,供电的还是SP 用心聆听   (62 bytes , 34reads )
那就心定了 永远的根号3   (24 bytes , 48reads )
刚选了OHM Fixed Price 24Months 用心聆听   (37 bytes , 43reads )
选了OHM 炎热夏雨   (237 bytes , 142reads )
OHM 还不错 shelia211   (283 bytes , 106reads )
用了你的code,算是有缘吧 helloooo   (0 bytes , 56reads )
这个图 炎热夏雨   (51 bytes , 31reads )
这个是simple ohm不是fixed oh shelia211   (157 bytes , 39reads )
ohm有个monthly fee 10块的 炎热夏雨   (150 bytes , 47reads )
记得用我的referral code哦 shelia211   (163 bytes , 52reads )
选择Geneco 24个月 lwfzl   (218 bytes , 93reads )
referral code:OHMREFCF5C64 jjwwd   (57 bytes , 37reads )
刚刚签了ohm的 MichelleYS   (123 bytes , 37reads )
研究几天最后选择了ohm shelia211   (216 bytes , 48reads )
我刚刚签了OHM的配套 花生豆   (42 bytes , 38reads )
感谢感谢 wu11   (1 bytes , 30reads )
再打一波广告哦,我是楼主 wu11   (154 bytes , 26reads )
从11月就关注华新的帖子, miaowowo   (96 bytes , 44reads )
感谢 wu11   (71 bytes , 38reads )
是不是只有西部可以换啊 一棵大树   (33 bytes , 29reads )
我坐标东北 wu11   (77 bytes , 31reads )
签了OHM wu11   (43 bytes , 29reads )
看来ohm签的人比较多 wu11   (44 bytes , 40reads )
贡献个ohm的推荐码 OHMREF736CA8 sunshinesz   (27 bytes , 64reads )
今天刚刚在网上签了GENECO两年fix resulting   (189 bytes , 72reads )
选择供电商 北方吹来的风   (211 bytes , 50reads )
目前看来 Ke33   (47 bytes , 34reads )
现在SP是24.13 Caroline51   (67 bytes , 38reads )
Ohm 最近又降价了 lilywhite   (559 bytes , 106reads )
老用户一个疑问,如果签了fixed,价格降了会随着降吗? zz87   (60 bytes , 43reads )
Ohm 的用户,头3个月内还可以换 plan, iND   (48 bytes , 43reads )
mark 炎热夏雨   (10 bytes , 38reads )
好像没有什么人签sunseap kittylol   (67 bytes , 52reads )
要签GENECO的,可有这个referral code: XXD   (32 bytes , 45reads )
请教下,签两年固定,还是3年固定的比较好?谢谢 qaqa   (0 bytes , 115reads )
我签的三年 XXD   (61 bytes , 40reads )
mark一下 MichelleYS   (25 bytes , 37reads )
同求 北葵向暖   (35 bytes , 47reads )
OHM Refer Code 小Zhi   (12 bytes , 119reads )
沙发 我是老万   (18 bytes , 50reads )
用的geneco 巴格达的星星   (43 bytes , 161reads )
我们签的iswitch Caroline51   (73 bytes , 85reads )
哇哇哇 16.07已经超级便宜了吧 家有仨宝   (34 bytes , 71reads )
好像跟第一批签有关 Caroline51   (108 bytes , 37reads )
签iswitch的要小心隐藏条例 Geneco066   (59 bytes , 69reads )
你们的电话完全没人接听啊? Oneness1   (109 bytes , 28reads )
uob卡自带的5%要根据uob的条例, Geneco066   (127 bytes , 48reads )
我签约时问了 fyang33   (56 bytes , 34reads )
谢谢回复 Oneness1   (60 bytes , 28reads )
用了好几个月kepple electric没有遇见什么问题 九九妹妹   (0 bytes , 153reads )
需要从ohm买电的同学,可以用我的code OHMREFDBC9C3 有20块钱折扣 紫忤   (0 bytes , 89reads )
请问这个买电是从spgroup上直接买吗? zly   (0 bytes , 53reads )
去OHM网站签配套 花生豆   (22 bytes , 30reads )
好哒,谢谢 zly   (0 bytes , 28reads )
之前看了各家的网站差点要选Keppel electric wu11   (56 bytes , 75reads )
签完就后悔了 小兔子歪歪   (262 bytes , 39reads )
有什么坑吗?之前@滚雪球 好像说这家最便宜? 随白色飞翔   (38 bytes , 43reads )
没有遇到什么坑 滚雪球   (20 bytes , 33reads )
开始也觉得哪家便宜选哪家 wu11   (112 bytes , 50reads )
具体哪些服务差呢 leongfei   (28 bytes , 36reads )
你去看GOOGLE REVIEW wu11   (24 bytes , 40reads )
需要些什么服务呢? 随白色飞翔   (24 bytes , 43reads )
大家自行斟酌啊,我也没经验 wu11   (237 bytes , 49reads )
布吉岛 选择障碍症 同问 望不吝赐教 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 45reads )
你真的是熊猫本猫吗 wangjimingzi   (30 bytes , 33reads )
我又不是百科全书 怎么可能啥都知道 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 70reads )
同求 wangjimingzi   (94 bytes , 49reads )