所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2018-06-14 13:55  更多评分:

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Dear Sir/Mdm,

I have yet to receive the deposit refund still since last update one month ago. Please expedite your processing and let me know your process timeline. One can not just wait without knowing the end of waiting. You have been receiving many complaints by users in local website/bbs. Please be efficient for sake of your company reputation and your commitment to users.


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【万能求助】oBike的 deposit 你们都拿到了吗? 跳跳豆   (459 bytes , 1609reads )
凑帖子 Duncan1111   (6 bytes , 20reads )
退了 scarletcactus   (78 bytes , 18reads )
半年了,又发了一个email去催,怎样对这样的流氓公司维权到底? Ivane   (390 bytes , 40reads )
层主写的好客气! 跳跳豆   (39 bytes , 18reads )
lz算没算过为了讨要50块 所付出的 我想睡觉   (69 bytes , 20reads )
难道50块钱就这样算了? 跳跳豆   (29 bytes , 12reads )
转个新闻,不妙啊 zhoro   (260 bytes , 54reads )
对, 就是这个我上面提到的事情 跳跳豆   (22 bytes , 25reads )
去Facebook催退了 nickhuq   (65 bytes , 26reads )
我又发了邮件 跳跳豆   (50 bytes , 25reads )
我也是这么催的,但是被扣了$1.5人工手续费 一泓清泉18   (58 bytes , 23reads )
记得很早就有人说 笑天   (37 bytes , 23reads )
为啥我的deposit那边显示是0? janebuma   (54 bytes , 22reads )
应该是 跳跳豆   (100 bytes , 28reads )
没有,发了邮件去催 Ivane   (127 bytes , 33reads )
OFO 木有押金这个说法 跳跳豆   (3 bytes , 16reads )
当然 vitesse   (45 bytes , 21reads )
退了 半夏微凉   (25 bytes , 25reads )
怎么才能有效地跟他们扯皮? 跳跳豆   (7 bytes , 23reads )
在我退钱那个时候 发邮件还是有用的 半夏微凉   (40 bytes , 16reads )
怎么可以找到要回deposit的记录 乔巴巴   (115 bytes , 25reads )
我的也没退 nonsense   (33 bytes , 47reads )
楼主有车车了 loveking   (0 bytes , 18reads )
问题是也没见着车~ 跳跳豆   (30 bytes , 24reads )
看报纸说1辆车成本70 熊维妮   (28 bytes , 29reads )
成本$70 ?他们还真敢说~~~ 跳跳豆   (33 bytes , 26reads )