所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2017-06-24 23:59

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The following groups of Singapore Citizens are eligible to apply for the card:

Bona fide business persons (i.e. those who represent an economically-active business entity)

Members of professional bodies such as doctors, lawyers and other members of professional bodies

Public officers from Ministries, Government departments, economic agencies and statutory boards who need to travel in their official capacity

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【万能求助】持新加坡护照免签入境中国,在公安局出入境延期的时候会强制吊销户口吗 iexplore   (1887 bytes , 3277reads )
我刚从国内回来 人在狮城2016   (234 bytes , 76reads )
几年前出入境就被问过中文名字的 iexplore   (100 bytes , 78reads )
一直都有 人在狮城2016   (36 bytes , 63reads )
这样啊 lmj8808   (70 bytes , 60reads )
应该是只要看到你的出生地 人在狮城2016   (167 bytes , 73reads )
谢谢 lmj8808   (28 bytes , 62reads )
之前的截图 人在狮城2016   (89 bytes , 78reads )
如果护照上的出生地是中国的话 couchtudou   (148 bytes , 115reads )
据说7月起没有取消户口的都要取消才可以离境 willness   (68 bytes , 137reads )
不要在国内做延期 星茉莉   (124 bytes , 155reads )
bigmice   (50 bytes , 108reads )
如果不延期呢 卡布布   (22 bytes , 102reads )
看运气 bigmice   (122 bytes , 85reads )
谢谢不要去公安局办延期的建议 iexplore   (94 bytes , 102reads )
看运气 bigmice   (82 bytes , 112reads )
早晚都跑不掉的 1743sg   (21 bytes , 110reads )
abtc只是入境不需排队? 酥核桃   (30 bytes , 121reads )
60 days 1743sg   (0 bytes , 103reads )
你们都是用什么身份申请的 酥核桃   (417 bytes , 112reads )
+1 r3865488   (36 bytes , 101reads )
朋友也办了 sinbad   (41 bytes , 51reads )
那个support document公司给的吗?要啥级别公司才会给呢? 蕊儿   (0 bytes , 127reads )
没有硬性要求啊 r3865488   (75 bytes , 109reads )
但是我听说 北京上海才有专用通道 1743sg   (8 bytes , 103reads )
亲测广州,深圳,南京也有 南洋暴雪   (5 bytes , 109reads )
Keykey   (46 bytes , 124reads )