所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2017-03-10 11:35

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父母在新加坡待了好几年, 现在回国了, 因为一些手续需要申请在新加坡待的几年的无犯罪记录 (certificate of clearance or COC) 

在spf.gov.sg网上填了appeal of COC 已经一周多了, 到现在还没有消息, 发邮件询问了自动回复说会很慢答复, 打电话基本属于无人接听。

看官网说的 5 working day 就会知道结果

Non-Singapore Citizens may only apply after submitting an appeal, and if your appeal is successful. You will be notified of the appeal outcome within 5 working days. Generally for Singapore Citizens and successfully appealed cases, it will take 5 working days to process the COC application upon receipt of completed applications with all the necessary documents.


万能的华新, 有没有兄弟姐妹做过这个COC 申请, 流程是怎样的, 大概需要多久时间啊?



--- 本帖已由 悦小悦 在 2017-03-10 11:39:15 时顶起 ---

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