所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2016-04-23 09:41

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先说一下Total Health Plus Rider里的Emergency Assistance Service
必须是买Advance 计划才有此项福利

the following Emergency Assistance Services and benefits will be available direct from the Service Provider upon specific verbal notification by the Life Assured or the Life Assured's representative to the specified Service Provider’s 24-hour Alarm Centre, on call collect or reverse charge basis, provided that the Life Assured will not be entitled to the reimbursement of any such expenses incurred or paid directly by him/her without prior authorisation of the Service Provider:

Emergency Assistance Service 包括以下内容
(a) Emergency Medical Evacuation 此项就是旅游险里的SOS
(b) Emergency Medical Repatriation
(c) Transportation of Mortal Remains
(d) Arrangement and Payment of Compassionate Visit
e) Arrangement and Payment of Return of Minor Children
(f) Arrangement and Payment of Non-Medical Escort
(g) Additional Accommodation Expenses


Life is Great
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