所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2015-05-24 21:31

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4 However, if you wish to appeal, you may do so officially in writing within 6 months from the date of the rejection letter, stating your details (i.e. full name, Foreign Identification Number (FIN) and File reference number) for re-consideration. In your appeal, you should furnish additional reasons / achievements or strong grounds to help us in our reassessment. Also, you may enclose new or additional supporting documents (where applicable) to substantiate the appeal if you have not previously done so. You may either walk-in to submit the appeal by dropping the documents into our Deposit Box at level 5, ICA Building or by post at the following address:

Permanent Resident Services Centre
ICA Building
10 Kallang Road #08-00
Singapore 208718

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【准证入籍】请问PR申请到哪appeal啊 路明天   (140 bytes , 5597reads )
楼上有人说的是正确的 x4   (54 bytes , 126reads )
不妨去移民厅问一下 juronglake   (18 bytes , 136reads )
"ICA PR (ICA)" <ica_pr@ica.gov.sg> ricky8631   (42 bytes , 1552reads )
这个看起来 路明天   (16 bytes , 130reads )
email appeal 或者 walkin appeal 都可以... 前者比较省事 功夫熊猫   (38 bytes , 136reads )
email 路明天   (65 bytes , 105reads )
不是, 是 ICA_SAVE_Helpdesk@ica.gov.sg […] 功夫熊猫   (326 bytes , 696reads )
不是签证 路明天   (6 bytes , 138reads )
... 给跪了, 当我没说.... 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 109reads )
也谢谢熊猫 路明天   (124 bytes , 115reads )
appeal貌似要把appeal letter和资料寄去ica jw331   (0 bytes , 221reads )
谢谢答复 路明天   (36 bytes , 106reads )
ICA的回复,供大家参考 路明天   (760 bytes , 306reads )