所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2010-09-06 09:30

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我上面写的是我七月初向Malaysian High Commission询问时得到的回复,已经失效了,呵呵!


Visa On Arrival Announcement

Please be advised that Visa on Arrival (VOA) has been completely abolished for all countries that have been given this facility. Countries from the Indian Sub-Continental, including India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan and Afghanistan as well as other countries such as China, Myanmar, Taiwan and the Comoros who had received these benefits are no longer eligible for Visa on Arrival at any entry points into Malaysia.

This facility is withdrawn for all nationals of the above, including green card holders or Permanent residents, long-term pass holders and holders of work visas from other countries. The cancellation of VOA facility will be effective starting August 16, 2010 in which the facility can still be used until 12:00 midnight on August 15, 2010.

Foreign nationals that require visas to enter Malaysia (as per our list below) must apply for visas in advance at the Malaysian High Commission, Canberra or the Consulate General Perth, Western Australia.

(13 August 2010)


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
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觉得可以。 woding   (119 bytes , 371reads )
时间不够,只能落地签证! 喜欢吃火锅   (2537 bytes , 490reads )
上次看到新闻说是马来西亚全面取消落地签证 spinach   (0 bytes , 537reads )
应该不会吧,上面是我上个月刚从马来西亚大使馆问来的信息。 喜欢吃火锅   (0 bytes , 362reads )
就是这两个月宣布的,马来西亚全面取消落地签 南岳之麓   (0 bytes , 391reads )
确实是全面取消了,8月份刚宣布的,从8月16日起正式生效。 喜欢吃火锅   (1163 bytes , 507reads )
那似乎就是短期来新加坡的没有办法去马来西亚转一圈了? 手无寸铁   (5 bytes , 452reads )
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