ICA回复我了,但还是很模糊,我的也是通过SAVE申请的social visit visa,就是E-visa
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2009-05-19 09:39

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For your information, a confirmed onward/return tickets (where applicable).

The granting of visit passes to visitors is determined by the Immigration &
Checkpoints Authority (ICA) officers at the point of entry. Visitors must
satisfy the following basic entry requirements before they can be
considered for entry into Singapore:

a) A passport with at least 6 months validity
b) Valid Singapore visa, if applicable (refer to the Visa Requirements page
for more information)
c) Sufficient funds to last for the intended period of stay in Singapore
d) Confirmed onward/return tickets (where applicable)
e) Entry facilities to their onward destinations, e.g. visas.
f) Completed Disembarkation/Embarkation Card
g) Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate, if applicable

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
请问拿到了SOCIAL VISIT签证的,可以在国内只买单程机票吗? yuangao   (0 bytes , 753reads )
借铁再问下,那个evisa大家是打印彩色还是黑白的呢? picaqiu   (44 bytes , 326reads )
灰色不算彩色吧... fyer   (72 bytes , 284reads )
啊 这么神奇,多谢拉,那就打黑白的 picaqiu   (0 bytes , 216reads )
问个弱智的问题确认下,有了LTSVP就不用签证了八 picaqiu   (22 bytes , 290reads )
no need 路漫漫   (0 bytes , 169reads )
no 路漫漫   (0 bytes , 165reads )
同关注! date123   (0 bytes , 212reads )
ICA回复我了,但还是很模糊,我的也是通过SAVE申请的social visit visa,就是E-visa yuangao   (764 bytes , 501reads )
还要fever vaccination certificate? 从中国来不需要把。 picaqiu   (40 bytes , 331reads )
问一下这个social visit签证就是e-visa马?通过save申请的? picaqiu   (46 bytes , 390reads )
就是通过网上申请的。单程机票没问题,过年时亲戚来也是单程机票。 阿庸   (0 bytes , 407reads )
多谢多谢 picaqiu   (0 bytes , 181reads )
可以的,没有问题。我的父母来新就是买的单程机票,持SOCIAL VISIT VISA 阿庸   (0 bytes , 413reads )