所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2009-04-20 14:15  评分:

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3. PRC passport holders who are in transit through the HKSAR to and from another country or territory may be granted a stay of seven days on each landing without the prior need to obtain an entry permit provided that usual immigration requirements are met, including possession of valid entry facilities for the destination and confirmed onward booking for the overseas journey.

手无寸铁 胸无点墨
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
请问去香港自由行要申请签证吗? shrimp   (116 bytes , 998reads )
important! shrimp   (99 bytes , 484reads )
估计很少人会这么做 suddl   (4 bytes , 365reads )
顺便回趟深圳~~ 14202   (0 bytes , 323reads )
不需要 手无寸铁   (0 bytes , 348reads )
那只要这么去就可以了吗?旅行社我去问了,他们说不清楚让我自己打电话去查。 shrimp   (4 bytes , 370reads )
不需要签证 一棵开花的树   (86 bytes , 818reads )
很感谢你! shrimp   (0 bytes , 323reads )
fyi 手无寸铁   (429 bytes , 501reads )
谢谢你哦 shrimp   (0 bytes , 357reads )