Normally can. Maybe it's better to ask the SA in the airport.
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2008-10-31 17:37  评分:

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Normally they will provide you information for carrying those to the air plane, and will provide you plastic bag for you to put the stuff you buy.

Forgive yourself before others forgive you. Peace.
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在机场买液体化妆品能带上飞机吗?谢谢! 小鱼镜   (0 bytes , 711reads )
记得上次买的程序是这样的 sichuanmer   (132 bytes , 443reads )
Usually it is ok for direct flight. 香陵居士   (96 bytes , 264reads )
Normally can. Maybe it's better to ask the SA in the airport. 帅温柔   (146 bytes , 253reads )
After You check in, nobody will check your bag again cnsg2004   (38 bytes , 282reads )
No. you'll get your bag checked before boarding in Singapore panpo2   (0 bytes , 262reads )