所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2008-07-23 19:15  评分:

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entry visa 和 visit pass是不同的。前者是批准你入境,后者是让你逗留(stay)。信上不是有这么一句: the controller of immigration has approved a single-journey entry visa for this application. 就是说已经给你批准了一个entry visa(入境签证)。你看看信上有没有说怎么用这个签证。


in addition, a single-journey visa has also been approved and is endorsed on this letter. should the single journey visa be used for entry into singapore, a fee will be charged.....(略去些废话)To use this visa for entry, please inform the aboved named person to present the orignal in-priciple letter to the duty officer at the immigration checkpoint.....


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大侠请帮忙,关于DP qiufengli   (976 bytes , 994reads )
有件事你是不是搞错了?MOM的公文怎么会要你和你公司 panpo2   (10 bytes , 310reads )
你仔细看一下信啊。 panpo2   (664 bytes , 612reads )
我觉得是这样的 qiufengli   (186 bytes , 416reads )
不可能的。护照是不可以邮寄的。 panpo2   (31 bytes , 356reads )
谢谢你啦,兄弟。请进来看 qiufengli   (238 bytes , 511reads )
我猜下:Visit Pass是进出海关用的;social visit pass 不用. henan   (70 bytes , 516reads )