所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2006-11-18 21:04

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We wish to inform that currently, only parents, spouse and unmarried children below 21 years old of Singapore citizens and permanent residents are eligible to submit the applications for long term Social Visit Pass (3 months or more) at ICA when they are in Singapore for consideration. Each application will be considered on its own merits. Applicants will be notified on the date of collection upon submission of the application and the validity of SVPs upon approval.
3 Upon arrival in Singapore, visitors are generally granted a 14-day or 30-day Social Visit Pass if they are able to meet our entry requirements, which include, holding a valid passport with at least six months validity, entry visas (if applicable), confirmed return/onward tickets, sufficient funds for the period of stay in Singapore and entry facilities, including visas, to their onward destinations. The issue of a pass is at the discretion of Immigration & Checkpoints Authority officers at the time of arrival at Singapore checkpoints.

4 All foreigners who are in Singapore for the purpose of social visit or attending short business negotiations and discussions and require a short extension of stay may submit their applications for extension of Social Visit Pass for our consideration, at Visitor Services Centre, 4th Storey, ICA Building. Each application will be considered on its own merits.

5 Please allow me to direct you to our department’s Internet website at http://www.ica.gov.sg. You will find the procedure and documents required on application for Social Visit Pass under Visitor Services in our website. I hope you will find other useful information while surfing our website.

6 Alternatively, you may wish to contact Ministry of Manpower on your eligibility for a pass for your mother-in-law. You may wish to visit their website at http://www.mom.gov.sg or email to them at mom_wpd@mom.gov.sg for more information.

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