????Anyone in NUS appealed hostel after going for exchange (SEP)????
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2006-04-01 01:13

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I'm on exchange for sem2, so I don't have enought CCA points. Anyone can share a bit of his/her experience in hostel appeal after return to NUS?


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????Anyone in NUS appealed hostel after going for exchange (SEP)???? easygoingg   (153 bytes , 815reads )
可以吧 zizi   (87 bytes , 282reads )
thanks easygoingg   (93 bytes , 379reads )
恩,不过我是第一学期去的 zizi   (18 bytes , 239reads )
should be OK. i heard of this before planar_graph   (1 bytes , 244reads )