you cant do it
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2006-02-18 22:20

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
y do you want to do so?

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
如何删除已发的帖子 Dreamer   (49 bytes , 893reads )
what r the posts u want to delete? 七七   (0 bytes , 473reads )
All posts prior to January 1st 2005 Dreamer   (6 bytes , 284reads )
you cant do it 燕归来   (23 bytes , 270reads )
那叫斑主帮我删除好吗? nexting, Wahoo and 七七, 好吗谢谢!!!! Dreamer   (0 bytes , 304reads )
没有权限吧 门中木   (0 bytes , 241reads )