they only cut a corner, not sure though.
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2005-09-04 14:36  评分:

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Later on when you apply for visa both have to be shown.

All or nothing.
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护照换新, 可以保留原来的护照吗? 想留做纪念。 多谢! hchen2002   (0 bytes , 655reads )
大使馆不会收回的,你可以自己保留 加州铝罐   (50 bytes , 317reads )
they only cut a corner, not sure though. mac   (55 bytes , 390reads )
若真的担心原来的被收回,就说弄丢了吧 。 materialist   (32 bytes , 280reads )