所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2005-01-18 16:55

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不然就装一个access point。因为hub receives a packet (chunk) of data at one of its ports from a PC on the network, it transmits (repeats) the packet to all of its ports and, thus, to all of the other PCs on the network. If two or more PCs on the network try to send packets at the same time a collision is said to occur. When that happens all of the PCs have to go though a routine to resolve the conflict, such as your case to restart the router. hub. When a person using a computer on a hub downloads a large file or group of files from another computer the network becomes congested.

But an Ethernet switch automatically divides the network into multiple segments, acts as a high-speed, selective bridge between the segments, and supports simultaneous connections of multiple pairs of computers which don't compete with other pairs of computers for network bandwidth. It accomplishes this by maintaining a table of each destination address and its port.

Few days ago I just checked with SLS and funan's challenger, a cheapest switch can cost about $20-$30, but SLS they have stocks but didn't want to sell at this price. Ask me to come back later next week.. -_-

Unleash the power ==
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请教:上网的问题 花自飘零   (362 bytes , 565reads )
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