Try YahooPOPs! -Free POP3/SMTP access to Yahoo Mail
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2004-09-14 06:13  评分:

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YPOPs! is an application that provides POP3 access to Yahoo! Mail. It is available o­n the Windows, Linux, Solaris and Mac platforms.

Yahoo! Mail disabled free access to its POP3 service o­n 24th April, 2002. This application emulates a POP3 server and enables popular email clients like Outlook, Netscape, Eudora, Mozilla, etc., to download email from Yahoo! accounts. We do not go against the license agreements of Yahoo! Mail. This application is completely legitimate and well within the realms of legal software.

How do we do it you ask? Well, this application is more like a gateway. It provides a POP3 server interface at o­ne end to talk to email clients and an HTTP client (browser) interface at the other which allows it to talk to Yahoo

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怎么把Yahoo的email account 加到Outlook 里? 东北老客   (202 bytes , 643reads )
当然可以,非常简单 why11   (130 bytes , 236reads )
多谢各位指点! 东北老客   (0 bytes , 203reads )
Try YahooPOPs! -Free POP3/SMTP access to Yahoo Mail 梅菜   (799 bytes , 232reads )
Yahoo's free accounts cannot use POP3/IMAP. Flying   (388 bytes , 249reads )
好像除了@yahoo.com的其他带国家域名的都支持pop跟smtp CitiNomad   (48 bytes , 537reads )