Well, I always look for fresh ideas
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2004-08-16 18:04  评分:

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for my HYP, for my master project, for my Ph.D project, blablabla...

Nowadays it's so difficult (and not advisable) to look for brandly new approaches, rather finding improvements to existing techniques may be a wiser choice...

Of course the situation in FYP is different. A project starting from scratch does not require novel contribution, but preliminary results are expected. If the project is a continuation of someone else's work, then improvement is a MUST...

天下英雄, 忠直豪杰言无隐, 志垂日月保江山,
古今八风吹不动天地月, 改尽这江山昔旧,
自古人生谁无死, 留取丹心照汗青。

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