当时因为我们要搬走,那位新加坡房东老太太耍无赖,说要扣掉整个月的押金用来请人打扫卫生,云云。我当时本来已经和言悦色的跟她讲扣一半,她也同意了。结果搬家前一个星期,一天晚上她突然大喊大叫,说我把它的电视机看坏了,云云。任凭我怎样讲,伊就是不停。天地良心,已经晚上11点多了,伊依然用我听不太懂得海南话'talking',而且还指手画脚。无奈,俺叫了警察,就是那种 neighbourhood police post 的警察。后来就来了两officer,一华人,一马来人,然后把我和伊分开问话,大概情况明白了以后,警察也没说什么,只是警告伊不要半夜三更大吵大叫骚扰邻居,最后记下了我和伊的身份证号码,就离开了。
If you are like most companies, you may have older equipment piling up in warehouses. Worse yet, you may be using the outdated equipment anyway, which prevents you from acquiring a more updated and useful solution. The hidden and direct costs of warehousing or extending the life of truly obsolete IT assets can be overwhelming.