所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2004-04-03 14:05  评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
1。 你觉得你学的哪些课对这个project有用
2。你这个东西可不可以commercialise, if so, what's the advantage of your product compared with those that already exist in the market
3. why you use certain things instead of others (like why you use TCP intead of UDP or simply IP)?
sometimes in terms of material
4. some specific features or goals are set by your supervisor, but did you ever think of trying the other way around, like using certain material, achieve certain percentage of efficiency, using this tool instead of that one pointed by your supervisor
5. what do you learn from this project? you main achievement?
6. what's your supervisor's role? (don't say, without your supervisor you can't even finish this project although it may be true....as it sounds negative, haha)


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请问已经毕业的NUS学长学姐, HYP/FYP presentation时应该注意些什么? 前尘   (182 bytes , 1454reads )
啊,我想起来了,他们在最后一般都会问你比较standard问题,例如 hahata   (786 bytes , 930reads )
多谢多谢, 斑竹还不给分儿!! 前尘   (0 bytes , 231reads )
大家都是一边present一边问问题,后面的Q&A基本没用到。 hahata   (0 bytes , 311reads )
我去看了3个fyp presentation,三个都不一样,具体如下:) hahata   (1864 bytes , 691reads )
放松,就当下面坐俩傻子 躲在云后的人   (0 bytes , 284reads )
真希望那是俩傻子! 前尘   (0 bytes , 270reads )
那martin真是个傻子,不骗你,见了他你就知道了。 躲在云后的人   (0 bytes , 218reads )
那你赚到了 采心   (76 bytes , 308reads )
The policy is: to examine students' achievements, not presentation skills. 11:05pm   (17 bytes , 319reads )
自然一点, 就当是在介绍自己的孩子 江南渔夫   (69 bytes , 408reads )
好想堕胎啊~~ 前尘   (0 bytes , 266reads )
啊!现在的孩子连堕胎都想尝试呀!:-). iceberg   (284 bytes , 513reads )
想堕也晚了。。。-_- 小蹦   (0 bytes , 280reads )
.....这个。。。据说堕胎很伤身体的 香蕉   (0 bytes , 282reads )
都是走个过场。。。 greenpeace   (208 bytes , 509reads )
谢谢先。看来得两手准备,编一套详细的,再来一套概括的…… 前尘   (0 bytes , 290reads )
IS的evaluators对吗...的确要看个人 Pippin   (47 bytes , 374reads )
郁闷的就是我是IS的,给我两个CS的evaluator…… 前尘   (70 bytes , 371reads )
Tan 很nice的:) Pippin   (0 bytes , 273reads )
你完蛋了,听说Martin是SOC三大杀手之一。要好好准备呀。 寒玉   (0 bytes , 301reads )
看examiner的习性比较重要 海风   (0 bytes , 334reads )
汗……习性…… 前尘   (29 bytes , 334reads )
问问题的范围有习惯性的 海风   (130 bytes , 267reads )