Almost all cinemas
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2004-03-11 16:40

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just outside the ticket box. Also some major shopping centers, at the "information". If u r in NUS, the University Culture Centre has a lot of interesting ones. I also see some at those SISTIC ticket offices.

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请问那里可以买到明信片?不要新加坡风光的那种... blackhawk   (43 bytes , 416reads )
咖啡座柜台前!像NTU的coffeeclub 逸丫   (0 bytes , 260reads )
Have u tried post-office? 南岳之麓   (130 bytes , 231reads )
P.O. also only got landscape ones. where can i get free ones? blackhawk   (22 bytes , 202reads )
Almost all cinemas 南岳之麓   (208 bytes , 215reads )