i dont think you need the Mplayer
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2003-12-25 14:36

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it should be self-sufficient. should be working without full mplayer support. I tried the NUS CS1101C and CS4217 lecture webcasting, it both works.. haha.. i think nus TV casting should be ok as well..

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Watch Webcasting on Linux!! JinChen   (1080 bytes , 360reads )
require mplayer? 吴永铮   (175 bytes , 192reads )
i dont think you need the Mplayer JinChen   (202 bytes , 240reads )
不会吧,四千来行的代码就可以放video? 吴永铮   (156 bytes , 148reads )
无语了,我没装MPlayer JinChen   (0 bytes , 171reads )