Hardware and Software
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2003-07-24 00:32  评分:

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1. Assume you are using Digital Video Camera recording with DV tape.
(this is different from digital cameras that can record short videos in quicktime format.)

2. You need a computer equipped with capture card.

3. You need capture software. Capture cards will come with capture software. Example software would be DVRapter, DVstorm and so on.

4. You may want to edit your videos (cut, combine), you can use editing software like Adobe Premiere to do that. You can use the Export function in Premiere to help you decode.

5. For furthur inqueries, you can consult(For NUS)
-Respective Hall's Videography Committee
-NUSSU Video and Photography Committee
-NUS SOC 9th Floor lab assitant.

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