Singapore Telecom (SingTel) is the national body responsible for providing, maintaining and billing all fixed-line and international telephony services in Singapore.
Applications for a phone line can be made by:
1. Calling 169 if you are a residential customer or 166 if you are a business customer
2. Filling out an application form at any post office, Singapore Telecom Customer service outlet or Teleshop.
For residential customers:
The Department Manager
Residential sales
Singapore Telecom
Orchard Post Office Box 309
For business customers:
The Department Manager
Corporate sales
Singapore Telecom
Orchard Post Office Box 398
4. An initial deposit of $250 for foreigners with work permits and $500 for foreigners with social visit passes applies.
5. Normally, telephone service is provided within 6 working days from the time of approval.
if you are in NUS hostels, you can get some application form from hall offices.